Saturday, 1 December 2012

Top Christmas Money Saving Tips! - Gifts!!

There are dozens of ways to enjoy a fabulous family celebration while keeping a little more cash in your pocket. Here's a few idea's

Buy one decent 'family' present instead of separate ones. So a board game for a family instead of four or five smaller more expensive gifts. 

Grandparents will love personalised presents from the kids. Pick up some cheap canvases from your local craft shop and do hand print pictures. 

Homemade chocolate slabs are easy and cheap to make and there is tons of recipes online.

Use pound shops for stocking fillers. 

We do PJs as a Christmas Eve treat! They're actually a really boring present but the children don't realise that and think it is amazing getting a present before Christmas Day. 

Chocolates in a mug or mason jarBuy a nice mug, fill it with chocolates (Quality Street or Roses are perfect because they’re colourful and wrapped), pop cellophane around the whole thing and tie with some ribbon. Easy!!

If you have friends or family that could do with your help babysitting or help around the home you could offer your services with some vouchers for your time, redeemable throughout the year.

Give a gift to charity in someone's name then you know your money is actually paying for something useful. 

Make a date night package which plans a date for each month of the new year, such as a picnic in the park or a candlelit bubble bath. Once you’ve planned the dates, write them on cards and decorate & give to a loved one.

Fill up a box with loads of blown-up balloons and wrap it – it’s sure to provide hours of fun and shouldn’t cost more than a fiver.

What cheap gift ideas do you have?

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