Friday, 28 December 2012

Is it winning or the taking part that counts?!

According to dads it’s all about coming out as number one as research reveals many men won’t let their kids win at board games.....

Too true in our house....With the kids getting lots of games for Christmas Stu has become so competitive & so has Ellie....Stu hates to lose....Ellie she either tries to cheat or storms off in a mood if she thinks she's losing....The little madam! We've had it with Connect 4, Guess Who, Downfall, A pairs game, Pumpamazing & Snakes and ladders....

Researchers found that its mums who will usually let their kids enjoy winning if it makes life easier......

I will hold my hands up and say I'm guilty of that....Played games with the kids today and will let them win....Just because I hate to see them lose....It's against Stu where I will become really competitive.....

Bring on tonight.....World of Warcraft Monopoly....
Me V's Stu...HaHaHa :p

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