Friday, 14 December 2012

Christmas Craziness At School....

Today is the start of the Christmas craziness at the girls school!!

The girls are doing their Carol Concert at the local church this afternoon....Hopefully Ellie won't fall asleep this time....Last year she was in Reception class and her first year at the church taking part....As all the children were singing she was swaying along and singing and falling asleep....Her teacher ended up getting her and sitting her on her knee before she totall fell asleep!!

Then there is the seeing Santa at school!! The girls really enjoy that part of the build up to christmas....

This is the girls last year....

Then next week the girls have their Christmas disco/party...Ellie class have a joint one....Her class which is Year 1 get to share it with Year 2 on Tuesday and on Thursday Becky has her party....They have the best one....Just the year 5's as they are the special one's as it's their last Christmas at the school...

They finish on Friday the 21st which is quite late compared to other years...I think last year it was about the 15th....At least this year they are off for a short time before Christmas and longer after....Less stress for me!!  


  1. Awe, that is so sweet her falling asleep singing. Hope your girls have a great time. It is the beginning of our busy run of events today too. Wishing you the best of health and happiness.

  2. Thank you so much and the same to you!! I'm sure they will have a fab time :)
