Monday, 24 December 2012

ONE More Sleep!!

Are we all ready for the big day?

We are here just about.....The kids are mega excited as expected and are just about bouncing off the walls!! Roll on bedtime....

We've been to Asda and bought the meat & the last few bits we needed...Ohh and Christmas PJ's!! Can't wait to see them in them.....Wasn't as busy as I thought it would be though...

I'm on with preparing the veg at the moment for tomorrows dinner....Just taking a break from all the chopping and cooking...

As much as I get stressed today....I do love it....I love preparing the dinner, watching a nice Christmas film with the kids before their bedtime, New Pj's, Putting mince pies, carrots and milk out for Santa and his reindeer's & trying to get the girls to bed early so Stu & I can get all the presents and arrange them in the living room!!

I hope you all have a fantastic day tomorrow!!


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