Sunday, 14 July 2013

Two Years In Here...

How the time flies when you're having fun!!

It really doesn't seem like we've lived in this house for 2 years....It's two years this week since we packed up and moved into the home we're in now and we're planning on staying as long as the landlord will have us!!

We used to live in a two bed roomed flat which was big enough for the four of us but the girls shared a room and needed their own space and we didn't have a back garden....Yes there was a park straight over the road which we went to often but there's nothing like having you're own space to let the kids out to play whenever they want to.....

It was sad to leave the flat for Becky and I as it was our first home in Northumberland but we soon got over it when we found the perfect house!!

It had three bedrooms which means the girls didn't have to share....In the last two years they have swapped rooms once and are wanting to swap again over the summer holidays....We'll see....

I love the kitchen in this house as it has so much storage compared to the old one in the flat...It's probably the same size but it's set out so well....The only thing I don't like is there is no room for the That is in the living room, sounds strange but it's right next to the kitchen and doesn't look out of place...

The whole house has so much storage but the best thing about it is the back yard.....Yes we have no grass but who needs Grass needs mowing and is full of bugs...hehehe


  1. How exciting, it's all go your end! Must be great having all that space and a back yard :)

    1. It is!...The kids love the back yard....They're out there as much as they can be!

  2. It sounds like the perfect house for you - and great having no grass to mow!

    1. It is!....Hope we'll be here for years to come!

  3. Time does fly. Our house needs more storage

    1. I need more storage Coming up to the girls birthdays I'm running out of hiding

  4. OOh fab pics and so much storage, always a plus-looks great!

  5. Looks like you have loads of room. How exciting

    1. We do....All the rooms are massive...Well apart from the bathroom but we can live with

  6. Houses have a way of growing on you. We stay in a rented place too and I'm so used to it, I can't think of moving! I love your backyard, by the way! #MagicMoments

  7. Yay for your new house! i am certainly with you who needs grass its just an extra job!

    Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

  8. So pleased you've settled so well there - and lucky you living in Northumberland. We are just home from a weeks holiday in Alnmouth and I want to go back!!

  9. Congratulations on the 2 years! We've been in our home for just under 6 and we're definitely intending to stay as log as they let us! It's lovely to be able to settle somewhere and still love it after a long time :)
