Saturday, 13 July 2013

Write on - If I won the Lottery...

The lovely Sandy over at Baby Baby has a fab linky which I have just came across called Write On...Where she posts three writing prompts each week for you to write a blog post inspired by the prompt....

This week I chose...

If I won the Lottery...

Everyone dreams of winning the lottery....You must of thought what you would buy if you won millions....I have plenty of times especially on a weekend when the lottery draws are on!! People say the lottery wouldn't change them...Of course it would....How could winning a large sum of money not change you....

Obviously I would buy the perfect house....It would have to be in the UK! Probably still in Northumberland as we love it here....The kids are happy in school and all our friends live here....

I would have it built from scratch to have it just as I want it with all the mod-cons and a swimming pool is a must!! I think Ellie would love a pool....She loves swimming. Becky would have her dream pink bedroom...She doesn't just want pale pink she want's 'barbie pink'...Bright and very garish!

We'd have games rooms, a gym, a computer room where Stu can go and play games in peace on the PC....Everything and anything we've always wanted in a house....

The next thing I would want with my millions is a lifetime supply of socks!! Yes, socks!! Just to have that great feeling everyday of fresh, perfect fitting socks.....When a pair of socks have been washed they are never as good as that first time you wear them....That is if you can even find the pair again...Which never happens in this house.....

Next on my list would be the best holiday ever!! A road trip around America!! 

Obviously visiting Disneyland....For the kids and myself! I have always wanted to go....The girls are Disney crazy so that's a must!! Would be absolutely magical!!

We would have to visit a lot of the eateries featured on the show Diners, Drive ins & Dives....We have watched so many episodes and drooled over the food....It's just a fact America does food better than here in England! We would probably come home the size of a house but that doesn't matter as we'd have our dream house to come home to in the time we were away it would of been built!! hehehe See I have it all planned!!

While we are in America making ourselves fat we'd have to go to see a live WWE (wrestling) show or a few...hehehe Yes you can see them in the UK but it's really not the same as I imagine it when you see them in the states....

After that who knows.....Driving lessons for Stu & I would be great....Neither of us drive and sometimes feel we're missing out on being able to just jump in the car and go for a day out...If we can't pass with the millions we can always hire a chauffeur to drive us around....

I would also donate a large sum of money to Ward 23 at the Freeman hospital where both my girls had heart surgery in 2009! Without them my girls would of probably died in their teenage years....I owe a lot to the wonderful nurses, surgeons & even the porters there...

Winning the lottery would be a dream come true....I better go and buy a ticket....
alled Write On where she posts three writing prompts each week to be interpreted any way that you want. - See more at:
alled Write On where she posts three writing prompts each week to be interpreted any way that you want. - See more at:
Baby Baby
Baby Baby
Baby Baby

Baby Baby


  1. My mum used to say money has no value to me, she was right it does not. If I won the lottery I'd probably end up giving most of it away, face it money will never buy you happiness nor will it make you better if your sick. I'm happy with what I have if I won well I would cross that bridge when I came to it.

    1. It would sure help to be happy

  2. I used to have a barbie pink room! Bright pink walls and carpet :)

    1. I would love to give Becky a bright pink room but as we're in a rented house now I don't think the landlord would be too

  3. I love the idea of the socks - what a great idea! Lots of those things would be on my list too.

    1. It is isn't it....It's the simple things in life which would make me happy...hehehe

  4. You really have given this a great deal of thought. It's true that people say money cannot buy happiness, but I'd love to find out for myself! :)

    1. hehehe I would like to find out for myself too....Maybe one day! Thanks for a great linky Sandy x :)

  5. I'm with you on the trip to America....and the food!!! You could just hire a personal trainer to help you get rid of the excess weight
