Saturday, 31 May 2014

Best day of her life....

Becky said Wednesday when we went to see One Direction was the best day ever and the best day in her life....I said so far....hehehe

As much as people moan and slate One Direction they put on a great show.....Despite the weather.....It was pouring down with rain for nearly all of the show and they didn't hide under the covered bit....They came out on the runway and got soaked!! Good on them!! 

A personal highlight of mine was when Harry Styles slipped and fell on his bottom!!...Priceless!! 

 It was brilliant to see Becky's face....The excitement, the shock and just amazement at the whole show.....It was nearly midnight when we got home and she was still full of beans....

It was a real Magic Moment for Becky and I....She's a massive fan of One Direction and I'm starting to like them a little more too.....I suppose after all the money I spent at the concert! £4.50 for a Hot Dog....£2.50 for a small bottle of coke, £15 for the programme plus the cost of the tickets I have 


  1. So glad she loved it...concerts are great! :)

    1. Thanks....They are...She wants to go to more :)

  2. Glad she had a good time - sounds like it was worth the money!

  3. Aww I can't wait to take Isabelle now. We will be there this time next week :) Glad you had a lovely time xx

  4. Glad you both enjoyed it - the privilege of parenthood, etc! It's the FIRST occasion that makes it all worth the effort. Loved the post - dropping in from this week-end blog hop. Good to meet and hope to reconnect elsewhere soon.


    1. It was so worth all the stress and effort just to see her face! Thank you x

  5. So happy to hear she had a wonderful time. Sounds as though you did too!

  6. Bless her, she must have been in her element. Fab that the parents also got to laugh at Harry falling over too :-) #MagicMoments

    1. She sat there in shock for the first 5 minutes.....Was brilliant though!

  7. OMG seeing this. In my country their ticket price is so expensive. Cost about a semester of university tuition fee. But people esp girls are buying them. Sorry I just remembered that when I saw this.

    Her smile is so priceless. I am glad you enjoyed it =) #magicmoments

    1. The prices are crazy! She can buy her own ticket next time....hehehe
      Thank you x

  8. Ah, so pleased that she loved it so much. I'd have liked to see that slip over, too! x

  9. I love Harry Styles a little bit more than a woman my age should!! Sounds like a fabulous evening :)

  10. What a wonderful treat, I bet she did love it too #MagicMoments

  11. I read about the bottom slipping, so I couldnt resist watching the clip on you tube " I'm so bad", Sound like the most awesome time ever, I bet she will cherish that moment for a very long time x

  12. My boys love One Direction - they keep asking me to style their hair like Nial and are desperate for me to take them to see them live... just not sure I can bring myself too! Glad you had such a good time though and especially that your daughter loved it.
