Thursday, 22 May 2014

Have a brilliant day out whilst saving money!

Having an exciting family day out with the kids doesn't need to be expensive this half term or summer......Every penny counts so here's some idea to have a brilliant day out whilst saving money.....

Packed Lunch/Picnic: Bringing your own food and drink is a great way to save some cash especially at venues where food can be quite expensive....If you're outdoors then a picnic always goes down well with the kids....If you're going to be indoors then the usual supply of sandwiches, snacks, crisps and cakes will do.....

Get cheap cinema tickets: Get money off entry to your local cinema.....Contact your local cinema to find out when they run their cheap family days and if you know someone with an Orange mobile phone you can get 2-for-1 tickets on Wednesdays.

Public Transport: Save yourself the cost of fuel and stress of driving with a car packed full of kids and take advantage of public transport.....A ride on the bus or the train may be more economical and easier for you, and probably adds to the excitement if taking the bus/train is a new experience for your kids...

Free Entry: You don't always have to pay to have a good day out.....Parks, woods, lakes, free museums, shopping centres and landmarks are all great alternatives that are usually free to visit....

Loyalty Cards: It’s always worth signing up for a loyalty card especially for regular spenders....Tesco clubcard in particular provides great savings on entrance fees & annual passes including Merlin Passes, cinema tickets & reductions on entrance charges...

Make your own activities: To save some cash why not go to a public park and take some things to do. A rounders bat and a ball provides hours of active fun. Frisbees, skipping ropes, footballs, tennis racquets are fantastic too!


  1. Oh this is so nice. Weve been doign lots of the things here as we are not earning a lot. Nice to read that someone is like us doing some scrimping to enjoy life wee bit =) #PoCoLo

  2. Fab post Kim. Packed lunches especially save a fortune. And who knew a trip to the cinema on normal priced tickets would require a bank loan these days?! Utterly criminal, hallelujah for the cheap seats xx #PoCoLo
