Wednesday, 28 May 2014

One Direction Day.....

It's here.....The day Becky and I go and see One Direction in concert...She of course is so excited and it's all she has gone on about for the last week....We have our clothes ready and but we're not going until about 4pm so it's going to be a long day of waiting and we won't get home until about midnight!

 I'm sort of looking forward to it and sort of dreading it....All those screaming girls....My ears are hurting just thinking about I can't wait to see Becky's reaction though....It will be priceless....

I don't actually mind One Direction...Some of their songs are ok....I think I would probably like them more if Becky didn't like them.....It is a parent's job to hate the music their children like after

I make it my mission in life to find Parody videos of One Direction to annoy Becky.....Here are two of my