Friday, 16 May 2014


This week my word of the week is....

 Not only am I glad this week is over I'm glad the SATs are over and finished for Becky.....

They weren't as stressful as I thought they were going to be....Becky took them in her stride and thinks she did well....She did her best and that's all I can ask for!!

It has knocked us all out of our routine though.....Becky had to be at school for no later than half past eight....We usually get there at about twenty to nine so it was decided Becky would go to school herself to breakfast club at 8am....They were providing the Year 6 kids with a free breakfast and most of her friends would be there so why not....I would follow with Ellie at the normal time....It's meant getting up earlier so she could leave in time....

Ellie did sneak in a trip to breakfast club on Wednesday though....I made her dream come She's been wanting to go for years....She's now realised it's nothing special but did like all the toys to play

As of writing this Thursday night I am ready for the weekend and a nice lie in....I'm so tired!! I haven't helped myself though....Stu and I have been watching Breaking Bad before we go to sleep on a night....At least two episodes....We had to watch an extra episode Wednesday night to see if the person who was shot lived...It was nearly 1am when we went to What a fantastic show!! I am glad I've watched it after it's finished showing on TV though....No having to wait for the next episode or next We're halfway through series 3 and I don't want it to be over!! I do love Walt!!


  1. Hope the SATs went well then, though the fact that she wasn't too stressed and gave it her best is good enough, isn't it? Well done to her, and Ellie for sneaking into breakfast club! I've not seen Breaking Bad, though I totally agree with you about being able to watch series back to back - we did that with Prison Break and so much better than having to wait! Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Oh SATS-I'm not looking forward to that one bit. Glad it's all over now and I hope you have a great weekend (and enjoy more Breaking Bad!)

  3. The SATs do not sound like fun! Really hope Becky did well hon. Breaking Bad was awesome, absolutely loved it! We're currently working our way through 24 on Netflix, total US TV junkies xx #WotW

  4. Never seen breaking bad. This week has seen us catching up on Person of interest every night. Our daughter Gee is nearly always late. I don't know how we haven't been called in. We have even tried getting her up at six but she still seems to be fannying around at twenty past eight lol

  5. Sending lots of good luck to Becky for her SATS results :) I have not watched Breaking Bad but have heard a few friends saying how they enjoyed it. Hope you have a chilled out weekend hun x

  6. I can't imagine getting to that stage where my kids have exams to take - it seems so far off but I'm sure it'll be here soon enough! Breaking Bad is great! #wotw

  7. Awww good for you! I know that waiting for the result is stressful as well but try to relax a bit for now =) #wotw

  8. Your little one seems like she was fine with her SATs; that's the spirit! Enjoy your lie-in tomorrow. Mel #WotW

  9. Glad the tough bit is over - hope the waiting for results isn't too difficult now! Enjoy Breaking Bad - it really does just get better and better and moved the yardstick for how TV drama should be.
