Friday, 30 January 2015

A bit boring and a bit blah!

This week has been quite.....

It's been a bit boring and just blah! I think it's because Stu has gone back to work....

We had a light dusting of snow yesterday.....Nothing like what the weathermen were predicting.....In the towns surrounding where I live...They have had snow....A good couple of inches but in Ashington there hasn't been enough to make a snowball never mind a snowman.....

Ellie is full of cold....She came in from school last night and laid on the settee and dozed off and on until it was bedtime.....It is not like her at all....Ice cream and Calpol was on the menu for her tea! She was up and down all night and just wouldn't settle....At the moment she's back on the settee, wrapped in a duvet watching Cbeebies....A sick day for her today....

Becky on the other hand has done really well for not being ill....We got a letter from the school saying she still has 100% attendence.....Hooray! I remember a time a few years ago when she would catch every bug & cold doing the rounds....

Can you remember me mentioning last week about Ellie not wanting to go to school because she didn't want to do dancing in PE....This week she was fine and went in with no worries....Phew!

It hasn't been a bad week.....Just a bit blah compared to the last few....

The Reading Residence


  1. We all have weeks like this don't we where it feels like we are just trundling on. Soon be half term & hopefully the weather will pick up! xx

  2. Rubbish :-( I think the word sums up my week quite well too!

    Helen X

  3. We're almost at the end of January-soon be Spring! Less colds, less darkness, yay. And I'm so pleased Ellie didn't get upset about PE this week too xx

  4. Glad it wasn't a bad week but I do hope Ellie gets better real soon and we'll done to Becky for her attendance that's fab news as is the pe situation phew!xx

  5. I do hope Ellie's feeling better soon, and so pleased PE was OK, too. Well done to Becky! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  6. I know what you mean; I often have weeks like that. Nothing particularly wrong just blah... Hope Ellie feels better soon. Xx

  7. Good news re the dancing, hope the bugs stay away - sometimes weeks just need to be mundane x #wotw

  8. Oh sorry its been a mundane week and I hope Ellie gets better soon. I also think that the time of year means we all have more days/weeks like this at the moment. Hope you have a better week next week xx #WotW

  9. Hope Ellie is now feeling better, and glad she was happy about her PE class. Well done Becky x

  10. Get well soon to Ellie! We are lucky (knock on wood) that no one got sick this winter yet. And hope that the dancing gig will be as better next week =) #wotw

  11. Same here: we haven't had enough snow to have a decent snow fight or make a snowman. The kids are desperate for snow!
