Friday, 9 January 2015

We're Tired....

I knew this week was going to be a shock to our system with the kids going back to school but boy oh boy it's been hard....

My word of the week has to be....

 The kids went back to school on Tuesday and obviously on Monday night they would not go to sleep when they were supposed to....

When we did all finally get to sleep the police helicopter decided to start flying about.....For about two hours! It woke Stu and I up and then Ellie.....I could have cried! So from 1am until about 3am I was dozing off to sleep when the helicopter flew away then it would come back and wake me up again....Grr! Then I got it into my head I would sleep through my alarm.....So I tossed and turned for the rest of  the night.....

We haven't really caught up on our sleep since then and as the week has progressed I have felt tireder & tireder....

Becky has been waking up tired.....Her and I get up at 7am! We have to it takes her half an hour to do her hair and she leaves for school at 8am.....I've been dragging Ellie out of bed at 7.40am.....They have both been in foul moods on a morning which has included stamping of feet, shouting and bickering.....None of it from me may I

It's got to the point of writing this last night that I am longing for the weekend and hoping the kids decide to have a lie in....Fingers crossed!!

Hopefully next week we should be back to normal and had a little more sleep....

The Reading Residence


  1. I've massively struggled to get back into a routine of getting up this week too. Don't think the dark mornings are helping at all x

  2. Oh that's the worst feeling isn't it when you think you're going to sleep through the alarm (well apart from being tired of course) hope you manage to catch up on sleep ready for next week #wotw

    1. It seems better this week...So far.....hehehe x

  3. I think it can take a while to get back into normal routine again. My children have been difficult this week too. Hope you all feel a bit better soon. #WoTW

    1. It's horrible but I think we're just about back to normal now :) x

  4. Summarises wonderfully why I don't have kids lol, although my cats wake me up from around 5 am so I'm usually the cranky one! I'm sure they will hit a routine again soon, just before the next set of holidays! Stephen :o)

    1. hehehe! I know....We just get totally into the routine and they're off

  5. We are tired in this house too! Lucas is going to sleep late, lying in his cot, shouting so Cameron can't sleep! I overslept this morning and Cameron had to get me up!
    School Routine sucks lol!!!

    Laura x x x


    1. Oh no! What a rubbish situation! I hope things are better soon x

  6. I went back to work last Friday - as annoying as it was on the day I'm so pleased I had that one day to get used to getting up early...even so the weekend can't come quickly enough in our house!!

    1. The weekend was bliss.....We had a very lazy one and feel better for it x

  7. It is the same here in our house. At night it is hard for my son to settle down at night and its so hard to wake him in the morning. Also the weather. We have to walk to school in strong wind and rain which is .. yes tiring! So I am so glad its Friday now. Hopefully we can both rest and have energy for Monday =) #wotw

    1. I hope you had a restful weekend....The weather is awful isn't it!
      Thank you x

  8. Oh dear, I do hope you have a better weekend and catch up on sleep! I can;t imagine a time where I'll have to wake my two up, but I suppose it'll happen one day! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  9. It has definitely been a struggle this week for us as well. I have two teenage daughters' who do the same thing... You would think they have outgrown the kicking and screaming by now but nope it has gotten worse. I hope you catch up on your sleep and aren't so tired after the weekend. I can also relate to worrying about sleeping through the alarm and never fully falling asleep... That is the absolute worst! #WotW

    Wishing you a relaxing weekend after the week you had!

    Much Love,
    Lysa xx

    1. Thank you! We had a lovely weekend and we're all feeling better now x

  10. Oh dear, I wonder what that was all about? The police helicopter I mean ... I can relate, I've also been having sleepless nights. Oh well. Do hope you feel rested soon #wotw.

    1. I still have no idea....
      We feel much better now....Thank you x

  11. Oh no, typical timing the helicopter goes over the night before school! I hope you all get some rest over the weekend x WotW

    1. It was awful and just typical that the one night I needed sleep I couldn't get it x

  12. Sounds like a terrible night that would ave really wound me up! I hope you catch up on your sleep tonight and the kids let you sleep in for a bit x

  13. Oh gosh that does that not sound fun, stupid police helicopter, just torture when it goes away and then comes back again isn't it? Hope you can catch up with some rest over the weekend! Xx

    1. It was like torture.....All caught up on sleep now thankfully x

  14. Hope you can catch up with your sleep this weekend - hugs

  15. Oh no how awful for you all. I completely understand why they have been moody bless them.Hope you all get yiur lie in.xx

  16. Our week has left us tired too. Getting back into a routine has been a struggle but at least we didn't have any police helicopters to contend with! Hope you get some rest at the weekend x

  17. This could have been my word too! We are all so tired and school has only just begun! I HATE a 6am start to the day! Happy New Year x #WOTW

    1. I know! About a month until the next holidays! Eek!
      Thank you x

  18. Oh no what a nightmare, one bad night can really through you off for the rest of the week!
    Hope you get some well needed sleep soon x

  19. Hope you manage to catch up on sleep over the weekend and that next week will be a better week for you all (with no police helicopters waking you up either!)

    1. We all had a lovely sleep over the weekend! Thank you x

  20. Here's hoping you can manage a couple of lie-ins over the weekend!

  21. Hope you managed to get some sleep over the weekend. The nursery run was a shock to the system on Tuesday. We did bed to car in 23 minutes! Hope you get some more sleep this week.

    1. We did thankyou!
      Wow! 23 minutes is very impressive x

  22. I know exactly how you feel, I also had 2 tired and bickering kiddies who were in need of a weekend break/sleep.

    1. Its horrible when they're like that....
      I hope you got some rest over the weekend too x
