Friday, 16 January 2015

A Weird Week....

This week has been a strange one....There has been lots of highs and excitement and a couple of lows and dramas but to be honest this week has been a bit....

The highlight of our week was on Tuesday.....We had some snow!! It wasn't much but it snowed! Ellie went to bed singing "Do you want to build a snowman" I hunted out all the wellies expecting there to be more by the morning but it had all just about gone by the time we got up....We were all a little bit gutted...

Tuesday evening I had an early night which very weird for me....I was in bed by half nine.....I'd felt sick all day but nothing had come of it until just after midnight....It's no fun running to the loo in the cold all the way from our bedroom....It's times like this I wish our bathroom was The next day I was fine....Thankfully!

On Wednesday a prize that I won over Christmas arrived.....It was from a furniture company....A mystery prize! I expected it to be to a coffee or side table....Maybe a mirror or some photo frames....Something like that for the home....

It arrived in two huge boxes...I tore into them like a kid at Christmas......It was a home bar.....How very random and very weird! No wonder when the woman arranging delivery was laughing on the phone (Yes I forgot to ask what it was) Years ago before kids I would have loved it but it just isn't my thing now....It just didn't suit our home plus we didn't exactly have the room for it.....Thankfully it has found a new home with a couple who's children have all grown up and they are making a bar/games room in their summer house....How fancy! hehehe

I argued a lot with a certain company on Tuesday....I thought I had paid a bill before Christmas until they sent a letter saying they were taking me to court if the debt wasn't paid in full straight away....I then had 4 phone calls from the company in one day.....I told them I would pay it Thursday as I literally had pennies in my bank account (this week was the week all the bills for the month comes out...The rent, Sky and a few others) The people were quite rude on the phone...Demanding I set up a direct debit, threatening me with charges and taking me to court.....

The 5th and final phone call came and I was ready to shout down the phone at them....I explained the situation and the guy actually laughed out loud when he looked at the amount I owed....FIVE POUNDS!! He said it has probably cost more in phone calls to me than the amount I owed! The bill was paid in full as promised on Thursday.....

The kids are back into the routine of school....They have been more willing to get up on a morning....Wednesday night they were both asleep by quarter past eight!! That never happens and Becky went up to her room and tidied it without me asking....Very weird! She had a motive! She wants her boyfriend to come and visit but even if he does they won't be going upstairs in her room....Gawd! I'm turning into my

The Reading Residence


  1. Sounds a busy and stressful week at times too, I'll agree weird too and apparently we'll all turn into our mothers at some point....!

    1. It has been stressful but it wasn't all bad! Thank you!

  2. Oh my goodness, what a week! Weird is a very good word to describe - those phone calls sound very stressful particularly over such a small amount. Glad you managed to find a home for the bar! :-)

    1. I found it laughable at the end....I could have done without the hassle of them but it all ended well.
      Thankyou x

  3. Oh dear, that is indeed weird! Hopefully next week won't be anything like this week :) #wotw.

  4. Wow what a weird week! I hope you are feeling better now. I bet you are glad to see this week over with. Here's to a better next week xx #WotW

    1. Yes! I'm glad this week is over now! I'm feeling much better thank you x

  5. Oh goodness me what a weird and eventful week you have had. Lol I think it's only natural that you wouldn't want her said boyfriend in her room.xx

    1. Eventful....I could have used that
      I don't want the said boyfriend in her life....She's my baby! lol.

  6. A very weird one! Glad you're feeling better now and your illness was short-lived. Looks like a great prize, but very random! Glad you managed to re-home it. And I will be just like that when the day comes for boyfriends!! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Thank you! It was very random....Thank you for hosting x

  7. Weird was the perfect word choice for your week that's for sure. Definitely no boys in the bedroom... As a matter of fact I have a difficult time just having the boyfriend over lol I am rather old fashioned and a pretty strict parent but then again I would rather the boyfriend come visit at my house so I know they are being properly supervised.

    Wishing you a less weird week.

    Much love,
    Lysa xx

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has problems with our daughters having boyfriends......Years ago I thought I would be one of those cool, trusting parents....No chance! I'm a worrier and old fashioned too. Nothing wrong with it at all...

  8. WOW! What a week you've had Kim!! And 'weird' absolutely sums it up... particularly the home bar!! That is so bizarre! I bet you couldn't work out what it was to begin with!! And I think we all turn into our mothers at some point. I'm desperately trying not to but occasionally hear myself say something to the boys, that she has said to me during my childhood!! It could be worse, I suppose. I could be turning into my father instead!!! LOL!! ;)

    1. Even after looking at the instructions to put the bar together I was still very
      hahaha! I would be worried if you were turning into your

  9. Oooh what a weird week you've had! The bar looks great, but I like you would have no use for it, a bar/games room in the summerhouse sounds wonderful though, think I would like one of those, and know The Hubs would! Oh boyfriends, what a minefield :) good luck with that one! xx


    1. The summer house did sound amazing! So jealous!
      Thank you x

  10. I felt so many emotions while reading your post and I can only imagine how much you felt when all of this is happening IN A WEEK!

    I agree it was a weird week! #wotw

    1. It was a bit stressful...A very weird week x

  11. I'm sorry.. I did chuckle at your post.. although I'm sure it wasn't funny for you. I don't know about a home bar I think you need a huge bottle of wine!
    As for boyfriends.. Madam is 7 and put kisses on three boys Christmas cards. Three. Hmm

    1. Reading it back I did too....This week was just ridiculous. lol
      hehehe! Madam sounds a little flirt x

  12. What a lovely win, but I agree it wouldn't really fit in here either, we have room but its all taken over with the boys toys and they have no place for a bar... yet! x

  13. Boyfriend! Surely your girls are too young for boyfriends lol. No boys were ever aloud in my room and that is how it will be for Little E ;0) Sorry to hear that you were ill, glad it passed quickly. What a shame about the snow. We had snow today, I got very excited, it lasted for five minutes :0(

  14. Sounds like a very weird week! Although I'm thankful we missed the snow what a disappointment to get so little for you. Hope this coming week gets better!

  15. Quite a bizarre and weird week all in one there hun, but hopefully next week will be more relaxing and normal for you x

  16. Sounds like a very busy and strange week. Hope next week is much more normal for you x

  17. Those phone calls sound stressful, I had something similar years ago with my council tax - I owed them 56p by accident! And a home bar?! How random lol, glad it found a good home :)

  18. So glad your sickness didn't come to anything Kim. You must enter lots of comps because you do always seem to be winning something! Maybe it's just me...
