Friday, 2 January 2015

One long party....

We have had great fun this last week....

It's been one long....

The beginning of the week I was shopping for party food all ready for New Years Eve.....

The kids love being able to stay up late to see the New Year in and have spent the week counting down to the end of the year.....

We've eaten lots of party food.....

Wore party dresses......


Drunk fancy drinks and had a whale of a time....


It's a shame Christmas and New year are all over now....The next excuse we have for a party isn't until Stu's Birthday in August which seems such a long time away....

The party is over and it's back to normality....

Lets make this a great year!!


  1. Wow, that certainly looks so much fun! I'm envious! We hardly celebrated New Year's eve. My husband was asleep by ten, same with little T. I tried to stay up too, but by 12 midnight I was fast asleep :) Hope your 2015 is filled with many blessings :) #wotw - Dean of Little Steps

  2. Love the little white bow dress!
    Happy new year xx

  3. Looks like you've had a fab time and surely there must be an excuse for a party before August... And I loved your girls' socks 😀 Happy New Year! #wotw

    1. We did! Thank you!
      I'm going to have to come up with some excuse for a party....hehehe x

  4. Great word! Glad you've had such a fun week and all enjoyed it. And who says you need an excuse for a party? Why not have a 'January Party'?! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I think we may need a party in January....Such a depressing month x

  5. Looks fabulous! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  6. Great word to start the week. I'm glad you all had a great Christmas and New Years. Happy New Year x

  7. Great word, Happy New Year xx

  8. Looks like you have a fab time! Love the dancing! Happy New year! xx

  9. Happy new year! It looks like you had lots of fun x

  10. Looks like you had a great time! Love those j2o's what a great idea for youngsters. I would look for something to celebrate, August is an awful long way off! Xx

    1. We did have the most fun! My two love J20's...I wish they were cheaper though but they make a nice treat x

  11. Haha looks like fun in your household! Your eldest is turning into a young lady too! Happy New Year =) #wotw

    1. She is....She's growing up so fast! Thank you x

  12. What a lovely way and word to begin the New Year- I hope 2015 is a great one!

  13. Happy New Year to you and your family Kim! I agree that the period between Christmas and New Year can definitely feel like an extended party - certainly as far as the food is concerned! :-)

  14. Looks like you all had a fab time! Happy New Year :) x

  15. Happy new year :-) it sounds like you've all had a great week x #WotW

  16. A lovely way to bring in the new year! Looks as though you all had lots of fun x

  17. Happy New Year to you and your family! Can tell you all had lots of fun!

    I hope 2015 is a great year for you all

    Laura x x x

  18. Happy New Year Kim. I spotted Glitter Berry j20 on your photos. Yummy, my favourite drink of the xmas period. Loving the frozen / 1D cupcakes xxx
