Wednesday, 14 January 2015

My first profile picture....

I'll admit it....I'm a sheep....If I see someone doing it on Facebook I want to do it too....Plus my friends like to nominate me for things.....The Ice bucket challenge....The no make up selfie and now sharing your first profile photo...

This was my first profile picture on Facebook.....Gawd! I look so young and the girls were tiny!! I can't remember exactly when it was but I know Ellie was only a few weeks old and we were on our way out to see Stu's mam and dad....

It's just a bit of fun but it got me looking to the pictures I've had as my profile pic.....Quite a few I'd actually forgotten about.....

My hair has changed so much over the 7 or so years I've had Facebook....I didn't realise how much!! Long, short, brown, black, red, blonde....Oh dear! I keep saying to everyone I have had the same hair-do for the last 10

The photos do bring back a lot of memories....

Days out, trips to see Bon Jovi in concert, The day the girls got out of hospital after heart surgery, Ellie's first day at school, Christmas.....A lovely blast from the past!


  1. What a lovely photo Kim! Becky and Ellie are soooo cute! We all look back at photos and smile (as well as cringe), but memories are precious so hold on to those photos!

  2. You looks so young but your oldest looks exactly the same just a lot younger. lovely photos of you and your girls xx

    1. Thank you! I know.....Being a parent has aged me so much....hehehe x

  3. I have yet to be nominated for this, pity, because I love my first profile pic! I have so many different pictures, like you I have lots of different hair styles! I love your first one, the girls look so cute! Xx

  4. Loving these pics. And you most definitely have not had the same hairstyle! x

    1. I know it actually surprised
      Thank you x

  5. Aaaw what a lovely pic. I love it and you did had so many hairstyles. :) xx

  6. Lovely photo - yes, your hair definitely has changed over the years! It's fun to look back sometimes, isn't it?

    1. It is....I forgot the profile pic folder was
      Thank you x

  7. I love (and hate) to look back at my profile pics and see how much I have changed - I love to see how far I have come!

    1. Yes....They are a great reminder as to how far we have came x

  8. I think the Bon Jovi selfie is my favourite; I dread to think how many profile pics I've had! X
