Saturday, 31 January 2015

Project 365 - Week 5

Week 5 of Project 365 already and nearly February....
The way the weathermen were going on I was expecting to post photos of snowy fun but no....Ashington where I live must be the only place to have hardly any snow at all....

24/365. 24th January 2015  

We had fun with the Chinese New Year themed Weekend Box....The dragon was my favourite creation...

 25/365. 25th January 2015

We made Minion cakes.....They didn't last long!

 26/365. 26rd January 2015

Becky had cookery at school and made Cowboy beans and sausages....It smelt better than it looked.

27/365. 27th January 2015

A beautiful blue morning sky.....So nice to see after the gloomy weather we'd been having! 

 28/365. 28th January 2015

You know those days when you realise just before bedtime you haven't taken a photo....Wednesday was one of those days....So I walked around the living room looking for something to use...The Lego came in useful....School photo time for them....hehehe

29/365. 29th January 2015

That was all the snow we had....Really!! Not even enough to make a snowball!

30/365. 30th January 2015

My Ellie looking very sorry for herself....She's full of cold....So much so yesterday she had a day off school....A duvet day with lots of Cbeebies really helped....


  1. Love the look of your minion cakes, I hope Ellie is feeling better now x

  2. Omg the lego school photo has just killed me! haha, that just has to be the best 365 pic I've seen so far :-)
    Minions rule in our house! those cakes look awesome.
    And Well done to Becky on her culinary skills, great pics! :) x

  3. Those Minion cakes look great - not surprised they went quickly! Hope Ellie feels better soon x

  4. Looks like you had a very creative week. Get well soon Ellie.

  5. I love the lego school picture!! Hope she's feeling better soon.

  6. thats a nice dragon, and I love the imagination gone into the lego school photo pic, great one kids.
    Poor Ellie hope she is feeling better.
    We have not had a huge amount more snow really either, sadly it has not risen much above freezing long enough to tham of what has become ice.

  7. sorry meant to add Thanks for linking to Project 365

  8. I love that chinese dragon looks fab. your poor daughter does look ill bless her, i hate it whern mine are ill and there is nothing i can do. and you had more snow than me!! x

    1. Thank you! She's better now but it is horrible when they're poorly x

  9. Ah I wish I could have a duvet day! Nothing beats that when your feeling rough, hope she feels better now.

  10. your post this week is making me hungry! no fair! lol .. those minion cakes look fab

  11. I hope Ellie is feeling better now. We had around the same amount of snow as you. It came down thick and face but as soon as it started settling it stopped. So disappointing. Well done Becky for your cookery. Love the Minion Cupcakes.
    Great photos x
