Tuesday, 28 April 2015

AirMotion Pro Brush - Review!!

My girls and I all have longish hair....Becky's is thick and straight and is easy to brush while Ellie's is thin and curly and mine is somewhere in the middle and we struggle with knots and tangles....Ellie has never liked her hair being brushed.

We were offered the chance to review the fancy looking AirMotion Pro brush.....Which claimed to glide through the hair without snapping or stressing the hair and it's clever design smooths and detangles on wet and dry hair....

 Don't brush.....Glide. The Airmotion hairbrush is a revolutionary design for stress free hair...
3 Different lengths of bristle for ultimate penetration.
 Designed for left and right handed people.
Perfectly balanced non-slip handle.
Smooths and straightens as you brush.
Helps remove frizz, distribute product and produces perfect up do's.
Happy in water and perfect for in the shower.
Glides through the hair with effortless ease.
Offers a unique solution to haircare, leaving hair smooth and shiny.
Airmotion will not snap your hair and is gentle on your scalp.
Airmotion uses specialist superlite materials.

We have been using it for a week or so now and we all love it.....

Becky loves it as it does straighten her hair and smooths it too....I have also noticed less frizz in her hair....

It is easy enough for Ellie to hold as it is so light and the non-slip handle really helps.....She now makes a start on brushing her hair on a morning herself....There is no more tears as it is so gentle on her hair....When I come to put her hair into a pony tail my job is a lot more easier.....

I have been using the Airmotion Pro instead of my usual brush too....I have never been one for using special brushes....I usually get mine from Poundland but I really do like this one....I have noticed there is a lot less hair collected on the brush which means it must be gentler on my hair as I am losing less....

 The AirMotion Pro brush is reasonably priced at £11.95 and I would be quite happy to pay that price....Hair brushing is now stress free in our house....

We were sent the AirMotion Pro Brush free of charge for the purpose of this review....This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are of course my own!!


  1. Oh this looks great - I need one of these in my life! #TriedTested

  2. Really like the look of this - my boy hates his hair being brushed so this could be the answer.


  3. This does look good, and handy to take the stress out of brushing little ones' hair

    1. It has saved a lot of arguments and tears x

  4. Ohhh.... we could use one of those. My four year old is getting really long hair but she doesn't like it brushed. She doesn't want to cut it either. This might be just the thing! #TriedTested

  5. i so need one of those, I'm travelling in the uk staying at friends houses who have kids and they all have one and its so easy to brush my hair which is only shoulder length

  6. Oooh it looks great! I think I'll have to invest!
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested this week x

  7. Wow sounds great! We both have fine hair that tangles very easily and I'm always looking to make doing S's hair easier! She won't let me get it cut off :-(

  8. Sound like a good brush :) I usually go for the cheaper brushes but this one sounds loads better...

  9. I must look at one of these. I still have nightmares of being a kid and my lovely long hair used to get so tangled that my mum used to hold me while my nan dragged a brush as best she could through the knots... It really hurt! Avon used to do a brilliant detangling lotion but I haven't found anything since that really works :(
