Friday, 3 April 2015

Never ending Laundry..... #WotW

This week my word of the week has to be.....

It has dominated the week....

On Monday morning I had 4 baskets piled high full plus a pile in my bedroom to do....Recently I have been struggling to get more than one load a day done because I refuse to use the tumble dryer and put the heating on just to dry clothes on the airers and the weather hasn't been that good to get them outside on the line.....

The weather was perfect for drying clothes on Monday....It was cold but the sun was shining and it was very windy....I got load after load done....Tuesday & Wednesday were the same....I was putting a load in the washer and hanging some the time the washer had finished the clothes outside were dry....

By Wednesday I had done it all.....There was nothing else to wash.....Then came the sorting and putting it away....That was yesterday's job....I don't iron....I really have better things to do with my time....The kids helped....Everything looked so tidy so I decided to wash the bedding....

And so it begins again....


  1. I can definitely relate to this one! To think there's only three of us in our family and yet, the laundry, as you mentioned, seems endless! But I do love the feeling of having everything done even though it means another load to put in ;) #wotw.

  2. Oh I hear you!!! It's amazing how quickly it seems to pile up isn't it!! x

    1. It is....I'm sure the kids don't wear half the clothes which end up in the x

  3. Just back from holiday, so one of my first thoughts was about all of the washing I had to do! It's just never-ending, isn't it?! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Oh my! It always seems worse when you come back off holiday too!
      Thank you for hosting x

  4. Ah yes.. laundry.. the gift that keeps on giving LOL!

  5. Omg laundry just does my head in!! You do two loads and suddenly 2 more. I don't iron either lol! ~wotw x

    1. Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't iron....Such a waste of time. x

  6. I hate doing the laundry! I do use the tumble dryer (love this word, "tumble") but still it's hard. Putting the clothes away is the hardest, which is why a pile of clean lundry is still in the basket and don't ask me where I leave the dirty laundry, LOL. Hoppin gover from the week-end blog hop.

    1. hahaha! I hate putting the clothes away....There is usually a pile in my bedroom waiting to get put away x

  7. Now that the girls have left for uni I have a lot less to do. And then they come home again... ug!

    1. hahaha! I hope they don't bring too much back for you to wash x

  8. Totally relate to this, I hate doing the washing, drives me crazy. And I have developed a special superpower... control over the weather, all I have to do is take a wet load of washing out in to the garden and start to hang it out to dry and it will instantly start to rain! Who needs a rain dance?

    1. hahaha! I feel like that sometimes...Many a time I have put the washing out and it be glorious sunshine by the time I sit back down it's raining! Ugh!

  9. Ha! I totally know this feeling. I must do 3 loads of washing a day, it is never ending. One day I will defeat it! #wotw

  10. Quite an achievement in finding the bottom of the laundry basket! oh the joys of washing,,,,not! :) x

  11. Your post made me smile! Laundry can just creep up on you and suddenly you have baskets full to bursting but then when you do have a good day of washing & putting away there is no better feeling. So much so that you want to do it again with the bedding...hahah!!

    Laundry is never ending. I hope there's a break in there somewhere for you xx

    1. I'm a glutton for
      I think I may get a break when the kids leave home....hehehe x

  12. Poor you! That's a lot of washing! I love the never ending story Meme! Brillaint! Hoppped over from the weekend blog hop

  13. Ha ha - love that quote! And it's been windy enough here to blow laundry away! #wotw

    1. Yep! I ended up with a bed sheet on the shed It blew down thankfully.

  14. Do NOT get me started on the laundry! The most thankless, never-ending task EVER!!!!! Now you've made me grumpy. ;) xx

  15. I hate the washing and the ironing, adding a little girl into the mix has really made it worse. It really is a never ending story!!!!! x
