Friday, 24 April 2015

I thought Becky was missing......

Becky went to school this morning.....She left on time and she was ok.....

At about 11pm this morning I got an automated recorded message saying your child is not at school. Press 1 if you know and 2 to speak to someone.....I pressed 2 and got an answering machine....Grr! 

I tried to ring them back again and again and couldn't get through to anyone.....The thoughts running through my head were unreal....She had been poorly at the start of the week....What happens if she had collapsed somewhere? Has someone taken her?

I rang my friend who was kind enough to give us a lift to the school as it's a half an hours walk away....

At reception they couldn't get through to the attendance people either.....They finally did and sent someone to talk to us....

Turns out the supply teacher they had in had messed up and a message was sent out to a lot of her form group.....What the hell! I phone call back to let us know would have been nice before I had chance to think something could have happened to her.....The lovely lady went and got Becky just to put our mind at ease which no doubt worried the life out of Becky seeing us stood there....

I am now relieved but absolutely livid.....There phone set up is crap! I only tweeted on Monday about it when I was trying to get through to say she was poorly and wouldn't be in.....

There isn't enough people to answer the phones or they just don't bother.....I've never once been able to get through to Becky's head of year.....What would happen if there was an emergency....There would be no way to get in touch with my girl at all.....

Yes the automated messages would come in handy if your child is known to bunk off school but sending them out just because the teacher has messed up is not on.....I will be writing an email complaining to the school when I have calmed down a little more to let them know my feelings....

Is it too early for wine yet? lol 

I’m linking up with MummyBarrow for Ranty Friday


  1. Oh Kim what a made, you must have been terrified! Thank goodness Becky wasn't missing though. School admin can be so poor :( #wotw

    1. It was awful.....The school really did let us down.

  2. Omg!!! I bet you were going out of your mind with worry. Thankfully she was safe and sound I bet you had tears of relief to find out she was ok!! No it is not too early for wine, get a glass and relax. Hope you all have a lovely weekend xx

    1. Yes there was a few tears....I had the wine open by 6pm. lol

  3. THat is truly shocking. Utterly awful. What is wrong with organisations that we now have to have all this automated crap. What a nightmare that must have been, and terrifying.

    1. It was! This world it too automated....Grr!
      Thank you!

  4. Omg. So glad all is ok, hope your heart has slowed back down now.

    1. Yes it has now....I was livid though!
      Thank you!

  5. You must have been beside yourself with worry. A similar thing happened at my brothers school when he was younger. My mum ended up having to dash home from work, losing pay to deal with it when it turned out to be the schools fault. So glad it wasn't anything though x

    1. Oh no! That is even worse.....At least I didn't have work to leave!
      Thank you!

  6. Oh my gosh that would have been so scary i would have been beside myself with worry. Thankfully my oldest school is only a five minutes walk and as it is a small school they have someone in reception who answers the phones so no automated messages xx

  7. Gosh that is so bad Kim. I'm so glad she was Ok and it was an admin error but how infruitating and espeically that you can't get through. Mich x

  8. Oh my goodness, how utterly terrifying for you and so terrible that you couldn't get through. So glad that Becky was ok and that it was all a mistake but it should never have happened in the first place
