Friday, 24 April 2015

Sick of Sick!

There is only one word that can sum up my week this week. It's....

We're all OK now but being sick has dominated our week....

Becky wasn't feeling too good on Sunday evening......She had a sore belly and I was worried it was the start of lady things happening. (It wasn't)....She was getting herself upset because she didn't want to miss school. She hasn't missed a day since she started in September....Then she started to feel sick....She took herself off to bed taking the sick bucket with her....

I woke her up for school on Monday morning and then she started to be sick....Ugh! I moved her downstairs where she set herself up on the settee.....She was crying that she wanted to go to school.....Ellie was crying because she wanted to stay at home....Another happy Monday morning! Becky slept most of the day....By Monday evening she was feeling a little better.....She had an early night and Tuesday morning she still looked rough so I phoned the school again.....Thankfully by lunchtime she was feeling much better.....Had something to eat and a shower.....She came to pick Ellie up from school and was back to her normal self......On Wednesday she went back to school.....

Wednesday morning it was like I was reliving Monday but with Ellie.....Only difference was that Ellie doesn't always hit the sick bucket when she I can laugh now. I wasn't at the time.....The thing with Ellie once she has been sick she always seems to recover quickly.....By lunchtime she was eating toasties and singing along to Mary Poppins.....There is only so much Doc McStuffins I can watch.....We even made cakes....She was feeling that good. If she hadn't have been sick I would have said she just wanted a day off She went back to school yesterday.....

Now I'm crossing my fingers that is it! I haven't time to be ill....

The Reading Residence


  1. Not nice, I do hope you manage to escape it and everyone has a healthy weekend!

    1. I have escaped it.....Ellie hasn't had a good weekend....She's been ill since Friday evening :(

  2. Oh no, not nice at all. And they always seem to get passed on, too. Hope you escape it and have a good weekend x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Thank you! It hasn't been a good weekend. Ellie is poorly x

  3. Oh no!! I am pleased to hear that they are better now and hope that no one else gets it x #WotW

  4. Yuch!! What a week you've had and it sounds, if you don't mind me saying, totally gross!! Lol!
    Glad you hear everyone is back up on their feet...fingers crossed you don't get struck down by it!

  5. Oh goodness me *hugs* it sounds like you have all had a terrible time with being sick, I'm so glad your girlies have made a fast recovery! Hope you have a good weekend and an even better week.xx

    1. Thank you! Ellie has been poorly again since Friday evening....I can't see her going to school tomorrow x

  6. Ahh no poor you and her, hope you don't catch it!! It's just too miserable being ill :-(

    Helen - #WotW

  7. Oh that's not a good week, hope it's done its worst and doesn't spread further, have a fab weekend #wotw

  8. Bleugh not the sick!!! Hope you are still ok and they are both much better. My friend has had a nightmare with her little ones; both ends. I'm also praying the sick stays away!! xxx #wotw

    1. I'm fine thank you! There's a lot of it going around :(

  9. Oh dear.. hope everyone is feeling better now. And fingers crossed you escape it!

    1. Ellie has started again with it....Ugh! It's been a rubbish weekend x
      Thank you x

  10. What a week! I really hope that haven't passed it to you. I really hate it when children are ill. Fingers crossed you have a better week next week x

    1. Thank you! I'm fine so far.....Next week has to be better. lol

  11. I thought this may be your word after seeing twitter. I'm pleased they're both better now and I hope it stops there and you don't catch it x #WotW
