Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Top Tips For A Fantastic Easter Egg Hunt!

In a few days it's Easter....Hooray!! A perfect time for an Easter Egg hunt! I haven't done one for years and this year I'm organising a little one for the girls around the house and back yard....

While you might think organising one of these is as easy as hiding a bunch of foil-wrapped eggs in your garden there are a few other things you may want to consider if you want it to run smoothly.

 If by a miracle the weather is warm bear this in mind when you are hiding your eggs if they are left to long before the hunt they may melt.

Write down a list of each of the eggs and where you have hidden them....You don't want to lose any!

Remember you do not need to use large eggs....You can buy a mulit-pack of small foil wrapped eggs and hide them in the grass and in flowerbeds.

Although the weather is supposed to be nice, make sure you have an indoor back-up plan if the weather takes an unexpected turn.

To keep things fair make sure everyone ends up with the same amount of eggs.

Set boundaries and tell the children where they are.....Explain there will be no eggs hidden outside of your back garden for example....That will help stop anyone from wandering off. 

If you have older children you could set treasure hunt clues to help them discover the hiding places.....You could use riddles or rhymes for them to figure out or map out the hiding places on a treasure map.

Make a rule before you start about how many eggs they are allowed to eat once the hunt is over. Unless you want a bunch of hyperactive kids throwing up all the chocolate they are stuffed with....

1 comment :

  1. Love your tips Kim! Think you are going to have an awesome Easter Egg hunt
