Friday, 17 April 2015

Lots of LOL's....

This week has been a funny week.....Not in the strange way but in the ha ha ha way.

My Word of the Week this week is...

We have had the type of laughter where your belly aches, you just can't catch your breath and actually cry from laughing so much.....

It started on Sunday while we were reviewing the Microscope Set & Bug Barn Set....The kids took great pleasure in chasing me around the house with a spider and had a lot of laughs with the magnifying glass....

For nearly two hours on Monday my girls and I laughed.....We went to see the CBeebies Live show Justin & Friends: Mr Tumble’s Circus....I have a post next week about it but it was brilliant....

We have all been in a fantastic mood this week....Even with early mornings, going back to school and the weather being a bit gloomy.....Yes while a lot of you have had glorious sunshine we've had grey, damp miserable weather up here in Northumberland.....Yesterday wasn't too bad....The sun was shining and by the school run time it was quite lovely..

We had a bit of a hiccup during the week when the girls were not laughing at all....They both ended up having a ban from their tablets and computers.....Ellie for just being a little madam and not doing as she was asked and Becky for taking her tablet upstairs so she could play with it in bed, which she knows is not allowed....

I was expecting a lot of arguments and stressing during the 24 hour ban but it wasn't actually that bad.....They got on and played with each other.....

The girls were playing with their balloons they had got from CBeebies live....Becky kept coming over to me and waving it in my face...I warned and warned her bad things would happen if she did it again.....She knew I was joking and pushed her luck so I cut the string off the balloon and it went straight up.....heheheh

She had fun getting it back down.....She managed eventually with the help of the sweeping brush and kept it out of my way for the rest of the evening....hehehe

On Wednesday the new TV channel Spike TV started....I was mostly excited to watch Breaking Bad from the beginning again but there was also the show Lip Sync Battle....Oh my! I laughed so much.....The WWE wrestler The Rock singing Taylor Swift's Shake it off was the funniest thing I have seen on TV in a long time....The series has been set to record!!

It has been a great week....Lots of laughter is just what we needed.....

The Reading Residence


  1. I was in stitches as well watching The Rock lip sync to Shake it Off! I love The Rock!

    Rachel Bustin

  2. Sounds lovely. I'm glad you've had such a nice week.

    That Lip Sync Battle looks AMAZING!!! I've watched a few of them on the Jimmy Fallon show. :) Great vid.

  3. What a fabulous week! Great word to be summing up your week with :) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  4. Looks like it a fun week in your household! I can already see you while your daughters are chasing your with the spider =P #wotw

    1. It was brilliant.....My girls are just evil. lol
      Thank you!

  5. What a fab #wotw Kim, sounds like you've been having tons of fun! Have a fab weekend xx

  6. That's a great #wotw and it's always good to have the odd belly laugh every now and then x #wotw

  7. they do say laughter is the best medicine x
