Friday, 12 June 2015

It's starting to feel a lot like summer.... #WotW

I could have chosen a few different words this week....

Ellie has had a few naughty moments at school....Her teacher Miss T did see a glimpse of what she is like at home....She was given one of Ellie's death stares....The phrase "if looks could kill was used" by Miss T....

Becky asked if she was allowed to kiss her boyfriend this week....Eek! I said "did he ask you?" She said no and I believe her....So I at least know he is not pressuring her.....I said if you want to but not at school....She said she doesn't want to snog him just give him a quick peck on his lips....I think I can deal with that....I don't want to but I suppose a peck is better than anything else!

But my Word of the Week this week is:

It's starting to feel a lot like summer isn't it....I wrote this yesterday evening after another glorious day. It's is half past six and the kids are still outside playing.....They had their tea earlier and it's that time of the year where I feel guilty for bringing them inside....It's still light and quite warm but they have to go in the shower and sort themselves out for school....

It has been lovely most of this week....The sun has been shining and the skies have been blue.....Coats have been left in the cupboard and t-shirts and shorts have been brought out.....I haven't gone as far as wearing shorts but the kids have and are loving it....

I'm sure my neighbour is cooking all his meals on his BBQ.....What I'm smelling now is amazing! We need to have a BBQ soon it seems years since we had one....

I went in the shed this week to look for the paddling pool and it has a huge rip in....Grr! So that is the top of my list of things to buy.....I will get around to getting some summer shoes eventually as my trainers are starting to pong a little....

With the warmer weather has came wasps.....I was running around the kitchen screaming yesterday when one came in through the back door....I managed to bat it out using a cereal box.....I hate wasps....There is actually no point to them!

Stu is off work tomorrow and I am thinking if the weather stays like this a trip to the beach might be on the cards....

The Reading Residence


  1. I'm so grateful to come back From hols to a bit of sun. Lovely! BBQ sounds like a definite good idea! I hope the teacher survived that death funny!! Xx #wotw

  2. Ah bless Ellie. My teen full on snogs her boyfriend and I hate it! Enjoy the little pecks while they last :) the sun has been lovely hasn't it? We can't wait for a BBQ too. If you do visit the beach, I hope it's a lovely day x #WotW

  3. Oh another fellow wasp hater lol!, I bloomin hate them, they should be banned :).
    We set the paddling pool up yesterday, I felt like getting in it myself haha.
    Enjoy your weekend x

  4. Love Summer!! My husband is one of thos BBQ people, as soon as the sun is out the BBQ is on!!

    Helen - WotW

  5. I hate wasps, too! Love summer, but hate that it brings wasps! It's a bit cooler here today, so hope summer comes back to us soon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  6. It has been a lovely week hasn't it :) I don't want to even begin to think about Madam and boys.... don't like wasps either.

  7. The sun is lovely. It feels like the last few summers we have had less BBQs. I'm prepared for one this weekend, so the weather had better be on my side. If it helps, wasps are not all bad. They are great pollinators and they can clear caterpillars off brassicas like nothing I've known. Probably not much consolation when they sting. Least they won't turn nasty yet. #WotW

  8. Looking very cloudy here in South Wales :-( hope it warms back up I love summer x

  9. Arrgh I hate wasps. I love the smell of BBQs! x

  10. I hope the weather lasts too. A paddling pool and bbq are also on our lists for the garden. I laughed at the death stare, my 9 year old has perfected hers and uses it to good effect x

  11. It's so nice to read that you have had a lovely sunny week. It's only today that we have started to enjoy the sun, I blame my hayfever it's terrible at the beginning of the season. I love that Becky asked you if she can kiss her boyfriend, I really hope she keeps this communication open all through her teenage years and beyond x

  12. Oh my word, how old is Ellie, I'm dreading these conversations but fabulous she is talking to you and yay for summer. Mich x

  13. It is starting to feel a lot like summer isn't it? I went out for a run yesterday and the amount of bbq's i could smell along my route, it was making me so hungry! Long may it continue x

  14. Bahaha! Your Ellie intro had me laughing! I'm glad summer is starting to shine down on us!

  15. I hope the good weather lasts all weekend too.

    Lizzie Dripping

  16. I am so glad that summer is finally here. I hope it is here to stay! xx

  17. Aww its nice that your daughter is talking to you about things like this! I have never shared anything to my mother about boys =P #wotw

  18. It definitely feels like summer indeed! We haven't had time to have a bbq though, this also happens to be the busiest time for my husband and I've been a bit poorly. Haven't had the chance either to check the paddling pool and I bet that one has a tear too ;) #wotw.

  19. Woohoo summer.
    I hate wasps too - evil and pointless...
