Saturday 6 June 2015

Project 365 - Week 23

This has been a long week....It seems to have really dragged....I'm already counting down the days until the summer holidays....hehehe

150/365. 30th May 2015

Never too old for a roundabout....hehehe

151/365. 31st May 2015

Our Fairy garden.....So pretty.....

152/365. 1st June 2015

I have been eating too much of this ice-cream....
153/365. 2nd June 2015

Sitting waiting for the nitty lotion to take effect....She was infested again! Grrr!

154/365. 3rd June 2015

A surprise for Stu for Fathers Day....A gorgeous photo book from Imprify.

155/365. 4th June 2015

Pirate Ellie....

156/365. 5th June 2015

Ellie spent her pocket money wisely....


  1. Phish Food ice cream is my favourite! Mmmmmm! :) x

  2. Love that fairy garden! Oh no to the infestation! My eldest kept getting them but then used a shampoo with tea tree oil and that has worked a treat.

    1. I use shampoo with tea tree oil in but it won't keep the little critters away....Grr!
      Thank you!

  3. Your fairy garden is fab. Don't envy you the nits - we've had them so many times here. I'm really hoping we don't get them again before my son finishes primary school! Our week seemed to fly by - the kids had an inset day on Monday, so we spent the week thinking it was going too quickly!

    1. Thank you! We seem to be clear of them for now! Ugh!

  4. mmm Ben n Jerrys!! I know how you feel re long week, the Summer holidays seem so far away!! x

    1. They do seem so far away but it's actually not that long too....I hope they hurry up and get here...

  5. The photo book looks good - I need to order one of those. Loving your fairy garden too.

  6. Grrrrr to the nits... remember this well with my own daughters and is definitely something I don't miss now they're all grown up! Other than that it looks like a fabulous week x

  7. We did the Fairy Garden too - lots of fun in these pics x

  8. Ice cream and a fairy garden are perfect elements for a week even if seemed slow to you :)

  9. Oh I love Ben and Jerry's ice cream too, it is soooooo good! The last picture of Ellie made me smile :-) hope you have a good week x #project365

  10. are the googles an essential aid to learning french?

  11. ooohhhhh dear at the nits, hope it works this time. Looks like a good use of pocket money. Love the pretty fairy garden, I thought it was a cake to start with

    1. Thank you! I think I have killed them all for now....
      She is very sensible when it comes to money. Bless her x

  12. Love your fairy garden. Oh no to nits - my eldest had them in uni last month!! Not just for littlies - uurrggghhh!! Kaz x x

    1. Thank you! Eek! Well at least for big people they can deal with the little critters themselves ;) x

  13. I love your fairy garden. We had a nit letter from school last week, not the nicest thing to receive x

  14. Love the fairy garden and your pirate :) Boo to the nits!
