Saturday, 27 June 2015

Project 365 - Week 26

Here I am joining in with Project 365 again.....A photo every day for a year....We've had a good week despite the rubbish weather...

171/365. 20th June 2015

I don't even know...Ellie convinced Becky to dress up.

172/365. 21st June 2015

Stu loved his Fathers Day t-shirt....We love Breaking Bad.

173/365. 22nd June 2015 

Our pretty rainbow that we made with the goodies we received from Baker Ross....

174/365. 23rd June 2015

Becky's boyfriend brought her a gift back from his holidays....So sweet. 

175/365. 24th June 2015

My fella makes a good climbing frame....

176/365. 25th June 2015

The fantastic Lego we have to review.....The girls are so happy with it and it will keep them busy over the weekend

176/365. 25th June 2015

New shoes!! Not the best idea to wear them while helping out at the school fair though....Sore feet!!


  1. That's so sweet that Becky's boyfriend brought her a present from his holidays. Hope the school fair went well and I bet the girls had fun with their Lego :)

    1. Young love is the
      They've had a great time. Thank you!

  2. got to love new shoes!!! that rainbow is so pretty and who doesn't love Lego!! x

  3. The Lego looks amazing. I think H would like a go at that even if it is aimed at girls.

  4. Love the t-shirt - my kids adore Lego and that rainbow is very cute

  5. New shoes often need wearing in - I didn't wear in the ones for the wedding and ended up changing them after an hour for a different pair.
    I like that rainbow, and Bob would be jealous of the lego review.
    Laughed at Becky sticking a tongue out at you.

    1. I know that about shoes but I will never They're well and truly worn in now!
      Thank you!

  6. Fab rainbow! Lucky girls to get to review new Lego. And they also got a new range of Pirates, more money to spend.

  7. Lovely new shoes :-) it is so sweet that Becky's boyfriend brought her a present back. Hope you have a good week x #project365

    1. Thank you! Young love is a wonderful thing....

  8. I hope the school fair went well, love the shoes and how sweet is the love heart gift?
