Wednesday 10 June 2015

The Witching Hour....

The witching hour for parents I thought was the hour of so before bed.....No not with my girls! For us it is between 5pm and 9pm......It's the time where I am quite ready to throttle my little darlings....Those hours before bed where my girls both turn into little witches....It's the point of the day where we're all tired & I just want to chill, relax and at least one of us wants to watch the soaps....hehehe

I would love to go back to the baby and toddler days where they were in a lovely routine.....

On an average night.....

I can guarantee at about five past five when we are usually having tea the girls will start bickering....Over nothing! Over the silliest things....Who got the biggest grapes, who sits where, who got the best cup, one of them may look at the other for a fraction of a second too long and all hell breaks loose......I have banned Minecraft after 6pm as that seemed to cause arguments too....

After they have argued over nothing they will suddenly become the best of friends and play.....Playing usually includes trying to get every toy possible out....This is usually at about 6.30pm just as I have finished the jobs I need to do....Washing up, sorting uniforms out and such.....Just as I am about to watch Hollyoaks....They will play the noisiest game which obviously means I can't watch TV but they're getting along so I try to ignore it....

At about 7.15pm I tell them to tidy up which results in say Ellie saying Becky got this out I am not putting it away and vice versa....One will only tidy up if the other is.....Most nights I stand there saying Ellie pick this up, Becky pick that up.....

Then comes shower time.....Ellie always goes first....So I can wash her, dry her and sort her out in the time Becky is in the shower.....Of course she does not like this....Every night is the same but every night is an argument...With Ellie going swimming with the school I have pushed for her to dry and dress herself which has caused so many dramas.....She has stood an drip dried recently as she refused to dry herself....

When they are both showered they go off to bed....Yeah right! This is the time where Becky decides she has homework to even though I have asked her a million times if she has any.....The time where Ellie decides she NEEDS a cup of tea and a biscuit because her legs are aching because of swimming (true story).....This is the time where Becky says she needs her PE kit washed or Ellie says her head is itching and I discover she has nits!! 

When they finally go upstairs and get into bed they are too hot, too cold, the bed is lumpy, it's too dark, too light, the walls are the wrong colour and they couldn't possibly sleep in there (also true)

Yes, you would think after my girls are in bed that would be it....I would be able to relax and have that cuppa and hidden chocolate without interruption...

 No for the next hour until about 9pm sometimes later they will both be up and down the stairs telling tales on each other....There will be shouting that one of them is moving about too much.....It's not like they are in the same beds or anything.....They both want absolute silence but they both want to share a room so that isn't going to happen.....They will need drinks....The window opened or closed....

Some nights I raid their sweetie tin when they are asleep or eat their crisps....Is it any wonder?! lol Here was me thinking the baby days were tough.....At least when they were babies they didn't argue back or come up with 

It isn't like this every night....Just some nights!
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  1. I'm glad you've got a predictable routine :) Bring on the chocolate hobnobs xx

    1. hahaha! It is predictable....That's a good thing! Thank you!

  2. Oh no, sounds exhausting! Mine are only small, I have this to come! x

    1. I hope not....hehehe Your children might be lovely when they are older....Thank you!

  3. My two are very similar. Mine get hungry, I mean 'starving' at exactly the same minute every night. The minute they lay down in bed! Fingers crossed they all calm down a bit as they get older ;-s (or at least leave us to have a bit more peace each evening!) x.

    1. Phew! I thought it was just my two!
      Thank you!

  4. Some night mine are like this the little toads lol

    1. Glad to hear it isn't just my two! lol
      Thank you!

  5. Oh I have this yet to come with the boys,
    The crazy thing is, we wouldn't want it any other way lol x

  6. Totally know where you are coming from with this!

    1. Ahh! So nice to know I am not alone! Thank you!
