Monday, 6 July 2015

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan mostly went to plan but I felt a bit meh about it....It was too hot to eat and far to hot to be in the kitchen cooking! On Thursday we we got a Chinese to save cooking which seemed like a good idea at the time....Curry sauce on a hot evening is not a good idea. I was sweating even

This is how I think the meal plan for this next week should be! Ice lollies every meal....hehehe

As much as the kids would love it I don't think it can be done.....Although on Friday I was too hot and ended up having chocolate digestive biscuits dipped in yoghurt for my

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Something out of the freezer with chips and beans....
Tuesday -
Breakfast burrito's....  
Wednesday - Tuna burgers & salad.... 
Thursday - Sausage And Baked Beans Quiche
 Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - A BBQ maybe....
Sunday - Pie & mash....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. I used to have digestives dipped in yoghurt as a dessert when I was on school dinners. Love the idea for the breakfast burritos, Makes a change from brinner.

  2. Breakfast burritos sound amazing, but it would be great if the lollies could feature too. I quite like the sound of biscuits and yoghurt as well :)

  3. Love the ice lolly meal plan! Wow the breakfast burritos look so good! Hope you have a good week x #mealplanningmonday

  4. I love the idea of ice lollies for each meal - sounds good to me in this kind of weather! :-)

  5. I was so glad I had an easy plan last week, it was far too hot! The tuna burgers sound great, might try those for the boys x

  6. I love meal plans, must dos one for the blog too.
