Friday, 10 July 2015

The Waiting Game - #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is....

Yes it may be a little similar to last weeks WotW Countdown (Sorry) but it seems like I am just waiting for things to happen....

This week seems to have dragged.....I think it's because school finishes next week and we are just waiting for that! 

Becky went and had another appointment with dentist about her braces.....She has been approved for them! Hooray and she is back on Monday for x-rays and moulds to be taken then hopefully the week after she will get her braces....I will be stocking up on painkillers and Bonjela as I know she will be sore but at least it will be the school holidays so she won't have to stress about being sore in school....

Ellie has had a good week at school.....It seems she has turned another corner with her behavior....It has improved greatly....I hope it continues next week...She gets to meet her new teacher on Tuesday....The year 4 teacher is a man and he is quite new to the school but he seems OK.....I am hoping a man teacher has a positive effect on her....I am just waiting for the school to say there is a change in It has been done before....As soon as I know her teacher I will be ambushing them and letting them know about her deafness and behavior problems because last year the school didn't bother to pass the information on to her new teacher....

I have my comping mojo back! I lost interest in entering competitions a while ago....I just couldn't find the time so just made do with entering a few Twitter one's & one's on blogs but this week I must have entered a good few hundred comps from all sorts of websites and even Facebook one's.....Now I am hoping and waiting that I have a few nice wins....hehehe

I have had some lovely emails this week about items to review and I'm waiting for them to be delivered and I have a another giveaway starting on Monday....

Everyone who had kind words about my nephews grandmother....She passed away earlier in the week! My nephew is devastated as is my ex-sister in law (it's complicated....She and my brother split but we are still close) Cancer is just shit! Sorry to swear but it is!

The Reading Residence


  1. I'm slightly on countdown too so I know where you're coming from and no need to apologise about the swearing-I agree with you x

  2. Busy week for you but I bet you can't wait until the summer hols. Glad the behaviour issue from last week is getting better :-) I really need to start entering good to win stuff!!! Xx #wotw

    1. Thank you! Her behaviour is getting so much better.

  3. Glad to hear you have your comping mojo back, always a good thing :-) I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma though and yes I agree, cancer is shit. #WotW

  4. It is a bit of a waiting game at this time of year. Glad the behaviour issues are better at the moment. x

    1. Thank you! She has improved so much over the last week :)

  5. Happy to hear that Ellie's behaviour continues to improve... what a little star she is. And good luck to Becky with the braces... I hope she gets used to them quickly x

    1. She has made me so proud this last week....
      Thank you!

  6. Waiting for the end of term is always annoying isn't it? I know my boys are ready for the holidays!

    Good luck to Becky with the braces.

    Sorry to hear about Grandma - you're right, cancer does suck! Sending hugs. xxx

  7. Waiting can be so frustrating, though it sounds like lots of good things you're waiting on. Sorry to hear about your nephew's grandmother. You're so right about cancer. Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  8. I'm pleased to hear that her behaviour is improving. Meeting a new teacher is exciting! Sorry to hear about your nephew's grandmother. Cancer really is awful :-(

  9. Glad things are finally getting moving on Becky's Braces,
    I bet that's a relief for you. Hope you win lots from the comping! :)
    And I'm so sorry to hear the sad news of your Nephews Grandmother x

    1. Hopefully she will have them in the next couple of weeks.
      Thank you!

  10. Cancer has hit our family too this week. You're right. It is shit.
    I don't know where you get the time for entering competitions. I hope you win something x

    1. So sorry! It is awful!
      I am failing this I just can't find the time.

  11. we're on end of term countdown too - can't believe it's almost here. Good luck with your competitions! #WotW

  12. Good luck with the competitions and hope this last week of waiting goes by quickly so you can enjoy the summer holidays. So sorry to hear about your nephew's grandmother - cancer is indeed shit.

  13. Sorry to hear about your nephews grandmother. Cancer really is s*it! Hope things go ok with your daughters new teacher x

  14. You wait for ages then it all happens at once! I can't wait for the end of term either. So sorry about your nephews grandmother.

  15. My boys are on countdown to finishing school but its still a week and a half!

  16. This time of year is a bit of a waiting game isn't it! But it sounds like you have lots of good things in the pipeline so the wait will be worth it!
    So sorry to hear about your nephew's grandmother; and yes, Cancer does suck

    1. It is. 3 and a half days and counting! hehehe
      Thank you!

  17. Cancer really is shit. I hope that one day it can be beaten. Sorry about your lost =( #wotw

  18. I know the feeling about being in the middle of a waiting game. I feel like my life is spent waiting for something else to happen right now. I hope things start moving along for you soon.

    And I'm sorry about your nephew's grandmother. Yes, cancer is shit.

  19. So sorry to hear about your nephews grandmother. I'm glad that Ellie is doing better at school. Lets hope they don't decided to change the teacher x
