Friday, 18 September 2015

One of those weeks - #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is....

This is my second time writing this post. I had a whole different post with a different word.....The last one was really negative and blah and I deleted it! This one isn't much better but it certainly sums up how I feel about this week....Glad it's over!!

I have been a very angry and frustrated person this week and I have hated myself for it....Annoyingly I can't really share what has been making me so angry but the stress has actually made me physically sick and all anxious....One day I will be able to blog about it but at the moment it isn't the right time and if I did I would probably end up in trouble....Don't worry Stu, the girls and I are all OK....Thankfully I think I have sorted part of my problem out but only time will tell!! It's all a bit cryptic and I can only apologise but I couldn't not mention it as it seems to have consumed my week and made me into a rotten person!!

I found this online and it made me think yeah! That's it!....I really need to take more notice of it I think!!

It hasn't all been bad this week though.....Just at the time in the middle of it all the bad seemed to outweigh the good....

We have had some lovely moments this week!!.....Making beards after school on Friday for Roald Dahl day.....Domino's for tea on Saturday all chosen by Becky as a late birthday treat and the girls just generally being lovely!! 

Again Ellie has been on her best behaviour at school and at home....I will never tire of letting you all know this....hehehe She is being an absolute star!!

Becky hates Due to it being a new school year obviously her timetable has changed and she now has PE three times one week and once the next week (The timetable is over 2 weeks)......She text me when she was on her way home from school on Monday saying she would be late as her legs were aching. She had been doing squats and star She had to go for a soak in the bath to feel better.....Then later on in the week she had cross country running....Yesterday she had the squat exercises She thinks the PE teacher is trying to kill her....

At least on Monday she has a day off school.....She is getting her braces!! Eek! I am so nervous....She isn't phased by it in the slightest.....I have a feeling she might think differently when the are on though....

This afternoon Stu and I are going to go out for a meal.....I think we need a treat! Yes we could go with the kids but we have decided to do something just for us.....At the moment I feel fine about it but I know I will feel the dreaded mummy guilt when we are out stuffing our faces....hehehe


  1. Well, there's some good bits amongst all the stress, which is worth holding on to. Can be difficult to do though can't it. And enjoy the meal, no guilt needed-everyone deserves a break x

  2. Hopefully you feel less stressed next week - whatever it is I hope it resolves itself and hopefully your daughter grows to like PE (I had to do it in royal blue shorts and yellow socks it can't be worse than that)!

    1. Thank you! I don't think she'll ever like PE. lol

  3. You do need a treat by the sounds of it, a horrible week. Glad the girls are getting on OK (PE aside!) x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  4. Sorry to hear it's been a bad week, don't feel guilty about going out for a meal without kids, I think it is good for you. Hope things are feeling better soon. x

    1. Thank you! We had a lovely meal....I did feel a little guilt. hehehe

  5. Oh dear, I hope things sort themselves out for you soon, sounds like a tough week.
    Have a lovely time at your meal and enjoy x

    1. Thank you! Some of it is sorted....Things are looking better.

  6. Enjoy your meal out - and hope the stressful thing sods off for good :) #wotw

    1. Thank you! I wish the stressful thing would do one but not much chance of that until my eldest is older.

  7. Oh sorry you have had such a crappy week - you need you meal out with Stu! At least the girls have been so happy and positive to take your mind of it xx #wotw

    1. They have been fab....We had a lovely break Thank you!

  8. You've made me think I can sadly relate to a part of the negative. I won't go in to detail either though. As for treating yourself I don't think you should feel bad about that. After all it is said that if yo look after yourself then you are in a better position from which to deal with other things that come your way. #WotW

    1. You are right! I did feel better after doing something for myself.
      Thank you!

  9. Sounds like your week really has been a week of two halves and part of it quite negative, but like you say you should let go of those who are constantly trying to pull you down and focus on the positives - although it is hard to do sometimes.
    In your post there was a moment that made me giggle - when Becky said the PE teacher was trying to kill her! hehe!
    Your true friends and lovely family are what's important.
    Do enjoy your meal, sounds like you deserve it and don't feel guilty!

  10. Sounds like you have had a mixed week. I hope you had a lovely weekend and that you are having a better week this week.
