Saturday, 12 September 2015

Project 365 - Week 37

This week I haven't been up to much....I have managed a photo every day though. Just!

248/365. 5th September 2015

Ellie trying on hats at Asda....

249/365. 6th September 2015

She was trying lip gloss on....I don't even know. lol

250/365. 7th September 2015

Ellie made a new friend out of a onesie stuffed with clothes and towels...

251/365. 8th September 2015

Pizza for lunch....A lovely change from sandwiches.

252/365. 9th September 2015

I wrapped Becky's presents for her birthday!

253/365. 10th September 2015

I know it's supposed to be one photo every day but it was my girls 13th birthday! Yes she is a little obsessed with Minecraft! 

254/365. 11th September 2015 

Beard making for Roald Dahl day tomorrow.....


  1. Happy Birthday to Becky!! She looks thrilled with her presents :) ooh I didnt know it was Roald Dahl day!

  2. Happy birthday to Becky! What a lovely lot of presents. My daughter's school is having a special lunch on Monday for Roald Dahl, but she's not having it as she's terrified of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (we don't know why, but it's going to be a difficult day!).

    1. Thank you!
      Aww! Bless her...I hope her day isn't too bad x

  3. I still have no clue what Minecraft is about, I've heard of it loads but absolute no clue. Probably best I don't go near it though because I get scarily obsessed with computer games and such. Glad your daughter had a lovely birthday!
    Katrina x

    1. You're probably better off not knowing! hehehe
      Thank you!

  4. Aww it looks like you have had a great week and a lovely birthday too! lots of lovely pressies!
