Saturday, 5 September 2015

Project 365 - Week 36

This last week has been a busy and exciting week.....Ellie's birthday, family visiting, back to school and getting back into a routine! I do like routine.....I don't like the early mornings though...

I'm back again joining in with Project 365....A photo every day for a year.....

 241/365. 29th August 2015

It was Ellie's 8th birthday....She had a wonderful day!

242/365. 30th August 2015

My great Aunt, nephew and his mam came to visit and brought the kids one each of these....A pizza made from sweets....They look great but I thought they actually tasted quite rank.....Of course the kids loved them! lol

 243/365. 31st August 2015

A fun bank holiday....The girls playing happily! 
244/365. 1st September 2015

I nearly cried setting my alarm clock for going back to school....I did actually manage to get up on the first one.

 245/365. 2nd September 2015

Ellie went back to school Wednesday!

 246/365. 3rd September 2015

Becky went back to school on Thursday! 

 247/365. 4th September 2015

The not so nice reading book Ellie has from school.....Body Bugs! Eww!


  1. Happy Birthday Ellie, it looks like a wonderful birthday and I would love that plate of sweets right now :)

  2. I'm pleased that Ellie had a great birthday, the girls look so grown up in their uniforms. Hope you have a good week x

    1. Thank you! They are looking far too grown up for my liking....hehehe

  3. Happy birthday Ellie! Is that Mouse Trap I spy the girls playing?

  4. Happy to hear that Ellie had an amazing birthday. Here's to another amazing week x

  5. Glad that Ellie had a great birthday! They do bring home some strange books from school, I remember my son bringing a similar one back about bugs that gave him nightmares!
