Wednesday, 13 January 2016

A forged note! - #wickedwednesdays

I got a phone call yesterday from Becky's head of year at school....Becky had forged a note from me in her planner to get her out of P.E and was well and truly caught out....She has a lunchtime detention today as a punishment.....

I couldn't help but laugh (I did have stern words with her) but when I was her age I did exactly the same thing but was never caught out. I had my friends write my I think if she wants to get one over on her teachers she has a lot to learn and has to improve her spelling....Saw blister! hahaha


  1. Hee hee - I must admit I forged quite a few notes to get me out of doing PE when I was at high school! I hated it, especailly during the Winter, when we had to go outside! Luckily I never got found out!

    My two boys love their sport and enjoy playing footie whatever the weather so I very much doubt they would try to get out of doing PE. Not sure about my girls this space!

    1. I think most people have when they were younger. hehehe
      I do think it's more girls who try to get out of P.E x

  2. That made me laugh out loud! I read it to the husband and he chuckled as well! :D

    1. I laughed at the teacher who phoned up & told me....I did try to be all serious about it. I just couldn't help it. lol

  3. Lol, definitely needs to get a bit smarter with doing this if she wants it to work in future! I think it's something a lot of kids have done at one point or another! :-)

  4. Did it myself! PE was a really 'embarrassing' lesson - particularly as I was in a mixed school and for the first 2 years we had to wear hun knickers, oh the shame. But I never got caught haha!

    1. hahaha! Ahh! I hated PE when I was a teen...

  5. Oops!I used to do it too usually something involving "monthlies" as my Mum calls it lol x #wickedwednesdays

  6. That's so funny, love it! x

  7. That is so funny... I don't know how you kept a straight face!

    1. I ended up laughing after I had words...hehehe

  8. Haha checky checky X #WickedWednesdays

  9. I love this post!!I remember doing this too, glad you weren't too hard on her x

    1. I couldn't be too hard on her when I used to forge notes myself to get out of P.E....hehehe

  10. I saw this on Facebook and promised myself I would come and leave a comment as it amused me so much! If I was her teacher, the detention would involve spellings, lol! ;-) xx
