Friday, 1 January 2016

Our New Years Eve....

Well that's it.....Christmas and new year is over and done with and it's 2016! 2015 was one of those blink and you missed it type of years but saying that since I started blogging the years seem to be flying over....It's either that or the fact I am older and time is just passing me by....

Yesterday Stu was at work so I decided to have a a good tidy up....Well I didn't decide....The mess was actually making me feel stressed so I needed to tidy up....There was the girls toys cluttering up the living room.....They had been there since Christmas day. Not quite finding their way to their rooms....It was tidy....At least for a little while! Well as long as you ignore me trying to dry the clothes and towels.....I am hoping for the Christmas decorations to come down over the next few days...

I had my shopping delivered yesterday.....Delivering party food and alcohol! I love Tesco's own Irish Cream and at £4 a bottle it is a bargain and tastes lovely....Tesco had none and substituted it for real Baileys!!! When I was ordering the shopping I considered buying a bottle but at £9 it seemed a little expensive! The delivery driver mentioned my substitutions and said "Happy new year from Tesco! They've upgraded you"....hahaha! It was one of those winning moments....

The girls wanted to wear their outfits I had bought for Christmas day and they hadn't got around to wearing....Who was I to stop them.....Ellie had her bath and I ran mine....Becky had decided to have a shower after me....I went upstairs to get a change of clothes and Becky the little madam had jumped in my bath! Grr! I was so glad I hadn't used any of my fancy bath stuff.....I did finally get a bath and did use my nice bath stuff....Gingermen bath bombs rock! hehehe 

So for tea we had .....Sausage rolls, pizza, chicken bits and nibbly things....We do like a party tea here!  By the time we had finished tea there wasn't much on TV so we decided to have a night watching the music channels....Bonus was there was no adverts! Whoop Whoop! 

I spent my evening drinking wine & reading blogs..... Stu spent his evening playing World of Warcraft.....Becky spent her evening playing Minecraft and watching Minecraft videos and Ellie she watched The Sound of Music again....Slept for a bit and begged us to wake her up to see the fireworks which we did.....I forgot how much I liked Bryan Adams....He saw the New Year in on BBC One in case you didn't see...Rock and roll...Eh! 

So here I am just over an hour into the new year! I hope it is a good year for us....We don't really have any plans. The biggest plans I have is buy some new school shoes for the girls before they go back to school & get all the dressing up clothes washed sometime over the next week as I am donating them to the reception class at Ellie's school and that's about it....I am not a planner....All I can hope for 2016 is we all stay healthy and maybe a lottery win.....

I hope 2016 is good to you!


  1. Sounds like a great way to see in the New Year - we stayed in and watched Bryan Adams too. Can't beat a good party tea and love that you got proper Bailey's substituted - I had a couple of substitution upgrades from Tesco yesterday too which is always a bonus! Happy New Year to you, Stu, Becky and Ellie and hope it will be a good one for you all x

    1. Thank you! Hooray for substitutes....hehehe x

  2. Our new years sound very similar, very relaxed! I have no big plans for this year either, hope its a good one for you and your family xx

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful year Jo x

  3. Happy new year! Well done to Tesco for sending an upgraded bottle. Their Advocaat liquer is very good too, I buy it when it's on offer for baking, as my family loves the Advocaat cake. Girls look super cute in their new outfits

    1. Ohh! I haven't tried their Advocaat. I think I may have to!
      Thank you! x
