Friday, 8 January 2016

Rain, rain go away! #WotW

It's the first Word of the Week of the year and my word is....

Seriously, when is it going to stop! It seems to have rained for about 3 weeks here....At least when the kids were off school we could stay inside....Now they're back at school we cannot hide indoors as much as I would like to....

There hasn't been one dry school run this week! Umbrella's are hopeless....It's a bit too windy for them. The hood on my coat is hopeless....It won't stay up. The only thing going for me is my new boots....They don't leak! lol It's times like this I wish I drove....Thankfully I have a wonderful friend who does give me a life home from the school run....

On Monday we walked our normal way to school and got nearly to the end of the path and it was all flooded a  good few inches deep....We had gone too far to turn back so through it we went....Ugh! Ellie nearly had a breakdown because she didn't want to soak her new shoes....She was carried by Stu who ended up with wet feet....

I have seen on the news about the flooding....Thankfully we haven't been affected....I really feel for those who have!

Yesterday I watched the weather forecast and it depressed me.....Rain, rain and more rain....It said this afternoon it may clear up but I really doubt it as it said that about yesterday afternoon too and the rain was still there....

I really hope the rain is light today.....Becky has an emergency appointment at the dentist's....The hook on her braces that she puts the elastic band on to help with the straightening broke off yesterday....She has to walk to school as the appointment isn't until just before lunchtime, then home, then to the dentist's and back to school....I'm thinking that if it is raining I will get a taxi back to school from the dentist's with her.....

The Reading Residence


  1. Tell me about it! I live in Whitley Bay and it rained non-stop from Sunday until yesterday tea-time! This morning I was soooooooo happy to see dry paths! Yes, it is much colder but I would rather have cold and dry weather than wet and windy! Bring on the snow for the kids!

    1. It's been awful up here hasn't it...I actually saw some blue sky this afternoon. It didn't last for long and now it's raining again. lol
      I hope it does snow...hehehe

  2. I read the first line of this post as 'Word of the year' and when I saw the word rain I thought that sounded about right! :) x

  3. We've had quite a lot of rain down south as well although not as much as you have up north. So glad you haven't been affected by flooding (other than having to walk through a flooded bit on the school run) but having to do the school run each day in wind and rain is not much fun. Hopefully we'll have some drier weather soon!

    1. It has been awful up here....I really hope it dries up soon. Thank you!

  4. I hate wet school runs, hate them! We all got soaked yesterday, though fingers crossed it's looking a bit brighter here this afternoon (but then I thought that yesterday!). Glad the flooding hasn't affected you and I do hope Becky gets on OK at the dentists x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. We got soaked again this afternoon....At least it was dry this morning.
      The less said about the dentists the better. The receptionist messed up and told us the wrong day. It was for yesterday. Grr! Becky had a couple of hours out of school for nothing! We're back on Monday.

  5. The weather has been appalling and I feel so sorry for those affected by flooding.

  6. Hi Kim, my sister was telling me how bad it's been. She said they'd hardly got out over the holidays because of the weather and she didn't sound too happy (she has two medium ones). It must be a pain not driving. I hope the rain stops soon or just makes an appearance at night.


    1. We only went out when we really had to...It's been awful.
      Thank you!

  7. the weather has been awful, but you've had it much worse where you are. It's been awful to see the places that are flooded. It just seems to rain everytime we go out right now, I'm hoping for some crisp winter days (but no snow!) instead soon #wotw

  8. It's been rubbish hasn't it! Although we haven't had it too rough thankfully, it must be awful for those who have.
    I just read your comment on the dentists, that's really crap! I hope Becky gets on ok Monday :) x

  9. Oh the weather has been awful hasn't it. It's one thing to be jumping in muddy puddles it's a totally other thing to be wading through muddy, ankle deep water on the way to school. I hope it stops for you, soon

  10. I know I am fed up with the rain grrr, it snowed last night when I woke up everything was white, but it is melting now. At least it is not raining x

  11. I can understand your frustration, it is yukky at the moment. Let's hope for more sunshine to hurry soon. X #wotw

  12. I'm fed up of the rain as well. I just want to get out in the garden and make a start on tidying it up. I don't mind working out the when it's cold but I don't like being out in the rain!
