Saturday, 2 January 2016

My Top 10 Blog Posts of 2015...

I saw that Rebecca who blogs at Futures did her top 10 posts of 2015 and I thought I would too....I went onto Google Analytics and had a look....There were quite a few posts that I had forgotten about....

I haven't included giveaways or reviews or this would be just full of them as they are always popular.....

I had to acknowledge that is was six years since both my girls had heart surgery....Looking at this photo still makes me feel emotional.

2. I thought Becky was missing...

I had a real rant about Becky's school nearly giving me a heart attack....It turns out she wasn't missing, the school just messed up! Grr!

3. Ugly P.E Kits...

Another little rant about PE

4. Will I be having anymore babies?

Only if a stork brings me one....hehehe 

5. Talking Codswallop!

One of my Word of the Week posts....There was a lot of people talking rubbish to me....It was one of those weeks where there was a lot of annoyances....

6. I’m The Mum Who… 

I was tagged in the I'm the mum who tag.....I was honest with my answers....I am no where near a perfect mum. lol

7. I'm not going to Britmums Live... 

I explained why I wasn't going to Britmums Live after so many people were asking if I was going or not.....I had many kind words from other bloggers which were so supportive! Thank you!

8. World Breastfeeding Week - My Breastfeeding Experience. 

I shared my experience with breastfeeding.....

9. Wonderful Web - #MySundayPhoto 

A simple photo but it was so pretty!

10. CHD Awareness Week & Tiny Tickers....

 Every year I do a post for CHD Awareness Week.....A cause close to my heart (pardon the pun).....This was this years post....


  1. Some fab posts here!! Happy new year lovely xx

    1. Thank you! Wishing you all the best for 2016 x

  2. A great variety of posts here Kim :) Aww I remember reading hearts day post, amazing how time flies, they look so young here.. Happy New Year..

    1. Thank you! Time does fly. My eldest was 7 and my youngest nearly 2....

  3. Ooh this is a great idea and I might have to look at my own Top 10, the results are always a bit unexpected!

  4. That's a real variety of posts and I think I remember nearly all of them, lol!
    Looking at your girls in their Heart photo and seeing them now is amazing isn't it - you must be so proud of them every day!

    Happy New Year, Kim

    1. Aww! Thank you! I am so proud of them. They are amazing x

  5. Lovely posts, Kim! Looking forward to reading more from you. Happy new year! xx

  6. Some fab posts there, I just had a quick read of your "why i'm not going to Britmums post" I wanted to post similar and didn't get round to it. I wanted to have a major rant about the event being a one day event now and that not being ideal for people travelling further a-field like us! x

    1. Thank you!
      Oh yes! I forgot it has been changed to a one day event this year....That makes it even harder for me to attend x

  7. It's great isn't it looking back over the year, you've got a real variety of posts here too
