Saturday, 30 January 2016

Project 366....Week 4

Ahh! Week 4! That means it's nearly the end of January....It seems to have been such a long month. 

I hope you are all managing to stay safe....The wind up here has been terrible! We're planning to have a weekend of staying indoors in the warmth...

Here are my photos from the the last week....One for each day! 

 23/366 23rd January.
Becky was out with her boyfriend.....Ellie made the most of it and decided she just had to wear her sisters coat....hehehe. It was far too big for her but she loved it...

24/366 24th January.
We had a day of doing crafts and tried out the new paint pallet I got from Wilko's....It was only 99p.

25/366 25th January.
Ellie playing the fool on the school run....hehehe

26/366 26th January.
Rain, rain go away!

27/366 27th January.
Becky won a voucher from school for being so good at French....So proud!

28/366 28th January.
I won a Koalapak just before Christmas and it arrived....It's an arts and crafts subscription box and we'll be having a try of it today or tomorrow... 

29/366 29th January.
I came to writing this post and realised I hadn't taken a photo for today.....I got lazy and took a picture of my Friday night drinks....hehehe


  1. I love her face, with the koalapack! I have the feeling she will be enjoying that x

    1. Thank you! We were supposed to do it today but never got around to it. Oh well. There's always tomorrow x

  2. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the Koalapack. Well done again to Becky! x

  3. I've never heard of a koalapak before but it looks really interesting. You're right about January, it's like the 7th week this week!

    1. It has dragged hasn't it....hehehe
      Thank you!

  4. Good choice on the Friday night drinks! Love the sound of the Koalapak and hope you are having fun going through it! :-)

    1. hehehe! Thank you!
      We haven't got around to it yet. Oops.

  5. Love the school run picture and well done to Becky for earning her voucher! Those paints were a real bargain.

  6. Well done on your family wins! I am glad it is not just me that feels like this month has dragged! It feels like such a long time since Christmas. Hope you have a great week x #project366

    1. Thank you! It has been so long hasn't it....
      You have a great week too x

  7. the Koala Pack looks fun, the paints were a bargain and nothing wrong with friday night drinks, I insist on

    1. Thank you! Friday night drinks are just the best x

  8. Nothing wrong with a picture of Friday night drinks - they are a very important part of the week! Hasn't January dragged on? So glad to see the back of it.

  9. Well done on winning the voucher, and in French as well. Her wearing her sisters jacket made me smile. Nice to see them happy enough on the way to school to want to play the fool.
