Friday, 29 January 2016

My girls make me proud - #WotW

This week my word of the week is:

Last week I mentioned that I had a meeting this week to make an individual health plan about Ellie and her deafness in one ear....I just want the best for my girl and want everyone who is teaching her to know that she sometimes struggles to hear if there is background noise or someone isn't speaking directly to her.....Her school seems to ignore it but I was getting to speak to someone higher up.....I was preparing myself for an argument but it never happened....The lady I saw was disgusted in the fact that Ellie's deafness was being brushed under the carpet and agreed with me that it seems just because she doesn't have a hearing aid her problems are ignored.....

From now on everyone teaching or in contact with Ellie will know about her deafness and if I find out someone who is teaching her doesn't know or doesn't respect her disability I have to get straight in touch with the woman I had the meeting with and she will sort things out....

I mentioned to Ellie I was having this meeting and she really doesn't understand what all the fuss is about....She just gets on with things and always has. She has lived with hearing loss all her life so knows no different.....It is normal for her! I know Ellie won't let a little thing like being deaf in one ear hold her back....She makes me so proud....She is so determined....

Becky text me when she was on her way home from school on Wednesday asking to go to Asda to spend her gift voucher....I knew nothing about this! A bit of questioning and it turns out she won an award in Modern Languages. French to you and She got top marks in a test she did and has tried so hard since Christmas in this subject....She had to stand up in assembly to receive her award and is so chuffed with herself....I am very proud of her too....When we had parents evening last year her teacher said she was amazing and if she kept going like she had been she would be getting top marks in her GCSE's....A fairly big statement to say about someone who was still in year 7 at the time....

I have been so proud of my girls this week....At the start of the week I was still feeling poorly from the cold Stu passed onto me....The girls were on their best behavior. Becky even offered to wash the dishes after tea. I was suspicious thinking she was after something but it turns out she just wanted to be nice....

Ellie has continued with her gymnastic after school club and is still loving it.....She can now do forward and backward rolls and is practicing her cartwheels and yesterday at school for the first time ever she got 10 out of 10 in her spellings! 

It hasn't all been perfect though.....Becky had a moment of being a drama queen and we ended up arguing....It was over something so small and stupid and she went off to school in a foul mood hating me.....When she got home from school she was much happier and realised that she was in the wrong and said sorry....I am proud that she did. I apologised for shouting at her but she said I had every reason to as she was being daft....I can't argue with that....hehehe

The Reading Residence


  1. Ah definitely lots of good reasons to be proud of your girls this week. So glad that Ellie's deafness is being taken seriously and that everyone will be made aware of it. A big well done to Becky too for doing so well in her French test and how lovely that she offered to wash up when you were unwell. Ellie sounds like she is doing really well in her gymnastics too. Hope you all have a lovely weekend :-)

  2. Well done to them both! And how fantastic that your daughter apologised to you after an argument, I'm dreading dealing with the teenage years but it sounds like you are doing a brilliant job.

    1. Thank you! She is starting to realise when she's in the wrong. A sure sign she is growing up x

  3. Oh what a lovley post. It is wonderful when out children make us proud. Yours are ace

  4. What an excellent post to write - it's easy to see why you are proud of your girls! Xxx

  5. What a gorgeous post, so full of proud moments, from the exceptional to the every day, and I think we can often overlook the every day things our kids do to make us proud. Well done to your girls x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  6. Well done to both girls :) and so pleased that someone is finally listen re Ellie's deafness. Nothing more frustrating as a parent than not being listened to.

    1. It seems we have waited forever for someone to listen but they are now.
      Thank you!

  7. Oh what a lovely week with them. Glad Ellie is getting sorted but she sounds like such a trooper just getting on. Also nice that Becky apologised and realised what she had said. Sounds like she is growing up lovely. xx #wotw

    1. She is such a trooper...She just gets on with everything.
      Thank you!

  8. A beautiful post - well done to your girls xx

  9. Hi Kim, it's great that Ellie doesn't let her deafness hold her back, but she does deserve a little help and understanding from her teachers to make things easier for her. I hope you don't come up against any difficult teachers, but unfortunately you probably will.

    How exciting that Becky won a voucher, it's things like that that encourage children to learn and continue to work hard. I hope you are feeling better, but I bet it was worth it to be looked after by your girls.

    You do have a lot to be proud of.


    1. Yes you are so right....I think it was because she doesn't let it hold her back they seemed to think she didn't need extra help....The first test will be next week. One of her teachers has gone on maternity leave and she has a brand new one.
      Thank you!

  10. Congratulations to both your girls! You've got every reason to be proud! They are both lovely and getting on so well. Well, dine to you too. 😀 #wotw

  11. Oh I love this post. No wonder you're proud. x

  12. Sounds like 'proud' is a perfect word for your week. It's great to hear that you spoke up and someone high up is looking out for your daughter. Speaking another language is also great fun. French is our second language in this house. I'm waiting for my daughter to turn round and say 'Why is Daddy speaking a funny language mummy?' #wotw

  13. Sounds a fab word for your week - it's great when it turns out like that. Glad the meeting at the school went well sounds like you've really turned a corner. #wotw

  14. Sounds like you should definitely be very proud of both your girls x

  15. Sounds like a great week and what a wonderful word! I am so glad that things are better at school, it really is shocking that the school haven't taken Ellie's deafness more seriously until now!
