Saturday, 9 July 2016

A photo everyday for a year! #Project366 - Week 27

Another week another Project 366 post. A photo every day for a year!

184/366 2nd July.
She chose to dress like this....A great outfit...hehehe

185/366 3rd July.
The kids drove me to it!

186/366 4th July.
I couldn't decide which one to eat so I had both.

187/366 5th July.
We made cupcakes.

188/366 6th July.

Ellie and I were comparing tans....I don't have one. She is rather proud of 

189/366 7th July.
I dropped the TV remote on my laptop and the A key popped off....I couldn't get it back on. Grr! My fella will get around to it eventually.

190/366 8th July.
I have been suffering with backache the last couple of days. I thought I would give these heat pads a try....They work brilliantly.


  1. Mmmmm Galaxy has to be one of my favourite chocolates! I loved your little lady in her Where's Wally outfit! x

  2. Glad to hear the Heatpads have worked for you. The A key popping off your laptop is very random!
