Friday, 15 July 2016

We have had a bit of a busy week. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

My Word of the Week is Eventful.

We have had a bit of a busy week....For some people it may seem like not much has happened but for us it has been eventful compared to most weeks that we have....

On Monday we went to see Ellie's end of term concert....All the kids put on a great show. She played her trombone and also sung in the choir....I was so proud of her. She is again wanting a trombone for her birthday....Eek!

We also got Ellie's end of term report....It's was just a list of what levels she's working at and those levels were great....We always worry about Ellie. She doesn't really try as much as she should but I am so pleased she is at the levels she should be at and for her maths and reading she is above.

We took the plunge and decided to downgrade our Sky TV package....The bill seems to be going up every month and earlier in the week it was nearly £80. The kids hardly watch the children's channels now. The prefer to watch YouTube and I only watch the free view channels. The multi-room was costing us £12.50 a month and we rarely used it so there was another waste.....We've now got the bill down to about £50 which is going to make a big difference....

Our washer has stopped working....The drum has stopped turning....We thankfully have the care plan on and pay a few pound every month so it can get repaired for free....We rang up and the person on the phone said it would be late next week before an engineer comes out...Eek! We thought about it and Stu got back on the phone. Spoke to a different person and they sent someone out yesterday and he fixed it and it only took about half an hour! The brushes were worn down (whatever they are). Phew! 

Becky had a day off school yesterday....It was her sports day. All the kids get bused off to a stadium and they get to watch a select few people compete against other schools.....It is a complete waste of time for Becky. Last year she sat all day in the stands only moving for toilet breaks....I rang the school and left a message saying she was sick....Naughty of me but technically I wasn't lying. I never said she had been sick. I just said she was sick....In her words she was sick of having to do stupid things at As it turned out quite a few of Becky's friends stayed off too...

At 3pm today it is Ellie's school fair which I am helping out with....It should be fun but it's always so stressful....Stu is going to pick Ellie up from school and has a pocket full of change as I know Ellie is going to spend, spend, spend.

Word of the Week Linky badge.


  1. A very busy week for you all - love the photo of Ellie playing her trombone and well done to her on her school report. Glad to hear that your washing machine has been fixed - I dread the thought of mine ever breaking! Can't say I blame you for Becky having a day off school and missing sports day - it doesn't sound like it would have been much fun for her. Hope you have a lovely weekend. #WotW

    1. Thank you! Ellie has done great this week.
      I was stressing so much when the washer was broken. I'm so glad it was fixed quickly.
      You have a great weekend too x

  2. Very busy week, well done Ellie on her concert and good luck for this afternoon x As for the washing machine, I think they are called bushes, I remember the old washing machines you could take the top off and change the bushes yourself, I've done it a few time and it only ever cost a few pounds. Of course now you need a course just to open up a washing machine!

    1. hahaha! They may have been called bushes. I wasn't taking much notice. I was so excited about it being fixed. lol Thank you!

  3. Awww sounds like a busy school week! Congratulations on Ellie's grades! We are going to get ours this afternoon and I am nervous and excited at the same time to see how my son is! #wotw

    1. Thank you! It has been busy...I'm glad it's the weekend now so we can have a rest.
      I hope your boy did well too x

  4. Tell Ellie the shop have sold out of trombones (heehee) save your ears ! Sounds like you have all had an eventful week, glad you got your washer sorted so quickly it's the worse thing that can break when you have children. Hope the school fair goes well and you win lots of raffle prizes x #WotW

    1. hehehe! I think I might have to...I don't think my ears could take a trombone.
      Thank you!

  5. Very busy! Well done to Ellie on her report, and it sounds like you helped Becky out there - what a waste of a day! Glad the machine's fixed now, best of luck at the fair x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Thank you! It would have been a wasted day at school for Becky...She had a great day at home x

  6. Wow that is a busy week! Lovely to read about Ellie doing well at school :) Popping over from #wotw

    1. Thank you! She is doing great. I am so proud.

  7. I love the kids end of year concerts :D Thank goodness they fixed your washing machine, to be without it is not worth thinking about! I don't blame Becky and her friends for staying away from Sports Day, at both my kids schools they have all the kids join in. I don't understand the logic of just having a few. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you.
      The sports day was just stupid. I think it's because they are really focused on sports at our school so if you're not good enough you're pushed out which really isn't fair x

  8. Ace news on Becky's report you must be proud. Sounds a hectic week, I bet your can't wait for the holiday to come to rest X #wotw

  9. Its not fair when schools do things like this all the kids should be involved or attending should be optional. We are seriously thinking of getting fid of sky altogether, costs a fortune and out wifi is rubbish, so slow. I ma thinking of trying satellite wifi, I cant even watch youtube videos its terrible x

    1. Yes! That's exactly what I thought too....
      Our internet is fine with Sky, thankfully. That's the only reason we're staying with them.

  10. It's brilliant you've been able to cut back on tv spending costs. You can now spend that money on things of more benefit to you and your family. As regards school they should be more inclusive.#WotW

    1. I know...I think we're just going to save it and it will come in handy at Christmas.
