Friday, 22 July 2016

Summer is here. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It has to be doesn't it....This week has been a bit of a scorcher.....Even on Wednesday when it thundered and rained most of the day here it was still hot! I had to nip out mid-week and stock up on ice lollies....We have gone through so many....

Last Friday I helped out with the summer fair at school....I sold the hot dogs...hehehe It rained but it didn't ruin anyone's fun....In the hour it ran after school we made well over £600. It was a lovely afternoon.....It is such a shame that people try to ruin things by stealing off the Tombola.....I find it pretty disgusting. Last year I could have sworn this person was the person stealing but I couldn't prove it....This year she was seen again by someone else....The headteacher was informed so it's up to her to deal with it now.....

On Tuesday I had a change of scene....I moved out and sat in the back yard....I lasted a couple of hours before the heat got the better of me....I even caught the sun a little but I think I will be out there more often.

The summer holidays are finally here! The kids finished school on Wednesday and every day since has felt like a Friday....I am glad to see the end of the school year...We are ready for a break.

The girls have played outside so much this week.....The small paddling pool has been out, they've had water fights and Ellie was so pleased on Wednesday evening when I didn't bring her in to go to bed....With no school the next day, I just let her play....She came in at about 9pm.

We are enjoying having no routine....We have been sleeping in, eating at strange times and staying up later than usual....I love it. It seems like we haven't done much since the girls finished school but we have made a start on our summer bucket list. We have watched the first Harry Potter film, I've ordered the Bunch O Balloon water balloons and we've nearly had a day of playing Minecraft all day....hehehe


  1. Snap! Oh, how disgusting that someone would steal at the fair? I'm glad it went well other than that and you made so much money. Sounds like the start to your holidays have been perfect. I can't wait to get my two home and start ours! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. All the words were pretty similar this week but the sun & summer have dominated the week. hehehe
      Yep. It is pretty disgusting someone would steal from the summer fair. The money raised goes straight back to the kids in school.
      Enjoy the holidays x

  2. Goodness who steal from school fairs????

    Twas really hot and I love it sadly my son is not up to it having hard time sleeping at night too. Even if the fan is on and the windows are open. When it got cooler thats the only time he got back to his sleep. But he was cranky on the days that he werent able to sleep well.


    1. I know! It's so wrong!
      Aww! Bless him...We haven't been sleeping properly here too. At least now it's the summer holidays and we can lie in. x

  3. awww, it is such a shame someone stole but at least the hot dogs went :) It is great to have a more related routine. I have seen them balloons and humming and arring to get them. I am going to see the reviews whether to go for it or not. Hope you have a nice chilled summer hols X #wotw

    1. I have read a couple of reviews for the balloons and they sound great. I can't wait to give them a go. They arrived today x

  4. Glad you've had a good start to the summer hols

  5. Love the summer holidays and sounds like yours have started well - isn't it lovely to get the paddling pool out and enjoy the sunshine? Well done on raising a good amount at the summer fair but what a shame someone was stealing from the tombola. Good luck with getting everything ticked off your summer bucket list :-) #WotW

  6. It seems that you are settling into the holidays already and having a great time in the sunshine. #WotW

  7. Stealing from the school fair?! really.. some people.. anyway, I'm glad it was success. We didn't finish until Friday.. it was a loooong week but now we have 6 weeks to do as we choose! LOL! have a great summer holiday

  8. We have been through tons of ice creams & ice pops here too nothing else for it in this heat. Glad your Summer has got off to a relaxing start with plenty of sun to enjoy. #WotW

  9. hasn't it been nice to see the sun, it's a bit mixed here now but hopefully it'll be back. #wotw
