Monday, 4 July 2016

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

The countdown to the school holidays are on....Only 12 and a half more school days left. Hooray! Ellie has a day off on Tuesday due to the teacher strikes but Becky my eldest still has to go into school....She is not happy! 

We haven't got anything really exciting planned this week....All the meals are easy and our favourites.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Roast chicken dinner....
Tuesday - Chicken salad....
Wednesday - Tuna pasta bake....
Thursday - Sausage chips and beans....
Friday - Fish in butter sauce with new potatoes....
Saturday - Chinese takeaway....
Sunday - Pie and mash....

What are you eating this week?

Meal Planning Monday is now a blog-hop. I got the code to add the link up from Hijacked By Twins


  1. oohh I'm liking your menu this week, I've not had sausage chips and beans in ages, yum! We are also having pie on Sunday and chicken pasta bake in the week. We're having fish and chips on Friday!

    1. Ahh! Thank you! Everything you have planned sounds great! :D x

  2. Love a good roast chicken dinner, I often buy an extra large chicken just so we have leftovers! The chicken salad sounds lovely as do the sausages, chips and beans x #MealPlanningMonday

    1. I buy the large chickens too. Just for the leftovers :D x

  3. Yummy, I wish we had a takeaway planned for the weekend, maybe next week. Have a fab week, hope Ellie enjoys her day off!

    1. It's been a while since we've had one...I'm looking forward to it x

  4. Great meal plan this week Kim, I love a good chicken salad with pickles and boiled eggs. Yum! Have a great week #mealplanningmonday

    1. Thank you!
      Yep! We had it all. Pickles, eggs, the plate was overflowing x

  5. Sometimes the simplest meal plans are the best! We are on summer holiday countdown too!

  6. Looks good I love a great meal plan

  7. Can't beat a simple week of family favourites :) I've gone for a week of total unknowns because I'm having a kitchen clearout and using all the jars and sachets that are lurking at the back - fingers crossed !

    1. Thank you! We've enjoyed this week so far!
      Ohh! The unknown week sounds interesting! x
