Friday 20 January 2017

A little holiday. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Stu my fella has been off work this week.....I don't know how but he has ended up with 3 weeks of holidays to take before the end of March so he is taking a week a month until they are used up....It's been a nice break for him. He works in retail so over Christmas things for him were quite busy it's been good for him to relax a bit....

I woke up on Monday full of cold. I felt rotten. Stu was there to do the school run, cook and tidy up....I had a day resting, drinking Lemsip and taking flu tablets and by Tuesday afternoon I felt just about back to normal....If Stu had been at work I would have had to power through and I doubt I would have felt so better so quickly.

Stu has spent the week painting the hallway.....It has actually taken a week.As well as Stu being an expert at procrastinating the hall needed 3 coats of white paint over the dark brown we had.....Eek! We have learned a lesson. Never paint anything in dark It is now a nice biscuit colour. 

It has been a little holiday for both of us.....Him from work and me from doing all the housework and cooking! 

The next holiday he has from work is the week the kids are off in February so we are hoping to have a couple of days out....I don't know where though as I can't imagine the weather being nice...Eek! I'm sure we will come up with something.

In other news:

Becky was at the dentist on Monday getting her braces tightened....She saw the head guy and he said when she goes back in March she will most likely be getting the braces taken off because they have worked their magic! She is very happy about this....She is already planning what she is going to eat as soon as they are off. Corn on the cob, popcorn, whole apples and popping candy. lol All the things she has been banned from eating.

I was picking Ellie up from school on Wednesday and her teacher said can you pop in and see the headteacher. Eek! I am so glad Stu was with me.....I was worried. My first thought was what has she done now?.... It turns out the head just wanted to let us know how well Ellie is doing....Twice a week there has been a group of children from year 4, 5 & 6 taken off to work on their confidence and talking skills. This seems to be really helping. It also give us chance to talk through a few concerns we had. It was a good chat and it left me feeling very proud of Ellie and reassured. 


  1. Apart from your illness it sounds like a good week, and good news for Becky and Ellie. I bet you are going to miss Stu when he's back at work next week x

    1. It was a good week. Thank you.
      I'm missing him already. hehehe

  2. So glad that Ellie is doing so well at school and that you are feeling better. The new colour of the hallway sounds lovely. Hope you have a lovely weekend :-) #WotW

  3. Glad you've had Stu around to help you this week and the hallway sounds lovely. Becky must be so excited and well done to Ellie! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. It looks fantastic now it's finished!
      Thank you x

  4. It's great that Stu was home so you could get plenty of rest to fight off your cold, another pair of hands is always welcome isn't it. Great news about Ellie you must be very proud. Have a lovely weekend x #WotW

    1. It was fantastic he was home for the week....
      Thank you x

  5. awww, it is lovely you have the extra hands and time to rest. X #wotw

  6. That sounds like a good week to me.. apart from the cold!

  7. My partner works in retail so I can truly relate. Make the most of the time and enjoy. #WotW

    1. It is a nightmare over Christmas but he really enjoyed his week off.
      Thank you x

  8. So sorry to hear you have been full of cold but glad you have had a good week off together. The hall way makeover sounds good too. I'm glad the girls are doing OK #WotW
