Saturday, 14 January 2017

A photo everyday for a year! #Project365 - Week 2

This past week wasn't the best week for us...We've had sickness, burns, sore throats and sore arms. We're all feeling a lot better now though! 

7/365 - 7th January
Ellie bought the Playmobil hospital with her Christmas money....This is Stu and her putting it together.

8/365 - 8th January
Ellie's teddies were having a get together....

9/365 - 9th January
I had a poorly girl. She was fine by the next day.

10/365 - 10th January
As much as I say put your toys away there is always a pile on the stairs. Grr!

11/365 - 11th January
I had the contraceptive implant changed in my arm....I was sent home with the info card and a fresh dressing to put on it. Ouch! It is still hurting.

12/365 - 12th January
I love her to bits but my teen is an idiot. She got stuck in a cardboard I had to take a photo before I rescued her.

13/365 - 13th January
We had snow....What a let down. It had gone by about 11am.


  1. Oh no sounds like one of those weeks your glad has come to an end but also sad it has too. I saw the picture of the box incident on my instagram feed and it made me laugh :D

    1. It was a week I was glad to see the end
      Thank you

  2. I would never have realised your girl was in the box! Oh dear!
    Glad the bug disappeared quickly.

    1. hehehe! I thought the poo slippers gave it away. lol
      Thank you

  3. Haha - teenagers! My stairs don't look too dissimilar to yours no matter how much I tidy them!

    1. I am sick of tidying the stairs....All they have to do is take something up every time they go up...Simples. lol x

  4. typical parent - photograph first and ask question afterwards. Love her slippers.
    Playmobil is a good use for Christmas money.

    1. Of course...hehehe
      Her slippers are never off her feet. She loves them.
      Thank you

  5. hehe I remember seeing the photo of your girl in a box! so so funny and I love her slippers in it. #prohject365

  6. Glad you are all starting to feel better, what is it with teens and cardboard boxes! All of mine love playmobil and yes my stairs are always full of stuff, no matter how many times I tell them to clear the stairs!

    1. Thank you.
      I think all kids love cardboard boxes. lol

  7. Made me smile to see her stuck in the box :) hope your arm is ok now and the bugs have gone!

    1. It really made me laugh....
      Yes, my arm is just about back to normal now. Thank you.
      The kids have got rid of their bugs. Becky passed her cold to me. Ugh. lol x

  8. Glad you are all on the mend now. We had the same problem with the snow.

  9. We had a poorly boy this week too. So pleased you're all feeling better now :) Hysterical that she got stuck in a cardboard box lol.

    I've just put a linky on my latest project 365 post so everyone can link up... no linking back required I just want to bring the community together again so would love for you to link up x

    1. Oh no! I hope your boy is better too! My girls are fine. My teen did pass her cold on to me though. lol

  10. We didn't even get the merest hint of snow all week :( Teenagers can always be relied on to get themselves in a pickle being getting stuck in a box is a new one on me :)

    1. Ahh! I suppose I should be glad we had the little we did. It was fun while it lasted.
      Thank you x

  11. he he at the teen getting stuck in a box, they do, do some daft things, hope the younger child is feeling better now

    1. She is as daft as a
      My youngest is fine now. Thank you x

  12. You still had more snow than we did! Love the box shot and hope the Hospital was a hit #365

    1. hehehe! Yes. The hospital was a huge hit. It's all she's played with for over a week!

  13. N is a box lover too! And I have issues with toys everywhere - I have no idea how to get N to tidy up.

  14. sorry you had a poorly girl, but glad it was a fleeting illness. My two love playmobil and we have stuff all over the house, deposits my best efforts to pick them up. it is a never ending job x
