Friday, 13 January 2017

This week has been one big pain! #WotW

This week my Word of the week is....

There has been a lot of pain this week in my house.... Thankfully most of it was short lived and over quickly.....

It started at the weekend....This is probably too much information but hey I had period pain. I don't usually get periods because of my Contraceptive implant but it needed changing (I will come to that) and I decided the only thing to ease the pain would be a hot water bottle on my belly.....I filled it and put it on my belly. Lovely. After a couple of hours it had cooled and I got up to refill it and go to the loo.....I felt something gooey. I had been burned. The hot water bottle had burned me. It hadn't leaked or split it was just too hot even though it didn't feel it.....There was one burn bigger than a two pence piece and a couple of smaller one's....Ugh! It has been sore. I've been keeping it clean and dry and it's been a great excuse to stay in my PJ's because wearing jeans just hurts and rubs on the burns.....

A pain in my bum this week has been Tesco.....I blogged about my parcel going missing....I thought it was all sorted. Tesco had given me £5 as an apology but they just keep giving.....I ordered a mouse and they decided to refund me the money for that too? I didn't ask for a refund or want one. The mouse works fine.....I messaged them to find out what was going on and it turns out someone had mistakenly hit a button somewhere....They are kindly letting me keep the £6 and the mouse....What a palaver! 

On Monday Ellie came home from school really chuffed with herself....She had cookery at school and had made spaghetti bolognese. It looked and smelled lovely. She ate it not long after she got in from school and by about 5pm she was complaining of a sore head and that she felt sick.....She had a sleep on the sofa, woke up and was sick! Oh joy! I'm trying not to blame the spaghetti bolognese but when she had been sick she perked up a little. She was sick a few more times and was up and down all night wanting cuddles and complaining of a sore belly.....She had a day off school & it took her until Tuesday afternoon to get back to her normal self.....

On Wendesday I went off to the hospital to get my contraceptive implant changed.....Last time I had it replaced they took the old one out & put the new one in it's place now the policy has changed and it has to be put in the other arm or so the lady thought telling me this....When she came to take the old one out it turns out they've changed the rules about where it's placed too so it meant I could have it in the same arm but just further round.....Phew! I was not looking forward to having two sore arms....Getting it changed was mostly painless.....I nearly cried when she put the general anesthetic In my defence I am terrified of needles....When the anesthetic wore off it was sore....It still is now but I'm sure it will feel better soon.....I think a few days of pain is totally worth it....I get no periods hardly and there will be no babies from me for the next 3 years.....hehehe

Becky hasn't being left out of being in pain this week either.....She is coming down with a cold and has a sore throat....Bless her. The only one this week not in pain is He had his share of pain last week with his shoulder but it seems better now. Phew!

What a week! I am hoping for no more pain for a while!


  1. Oh poor you, what a week. I hope next week is better

  2. What a week! Those burns sound nasty and the implant process sounds uncomfortable, but as you say, there's a long term gain there! Hope the girls are both on the up and glad to hear Stu's better x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. It was a rough week but yes the implant seems like no pain, no gain. lol It's all better now. Thank you x

  3. Oh gosh that sounds horrific, I hope next week will be less painful for you all X #wotw

    1. It was a rough week...I'm glad it's over.
      Thank you

  4. Great to read a positive experience of the implant, glad you get on well with it. Hope Becky feels better. Popping over from #WotW

    1. It has been brilliant for me....It gets so much bad press but it works differently for different people.
      She's fine now....She shared her cold with me. lol

  5. oh my what a week, I can't believe you burnt yourself on a hot water bottle eek! Poor Ellie being sick after spaghetti, I really cringed because the last time I ate spaghetti I was sick afterwards and that was years ago, yes it was such a horrible experience I couldn't eat it again. I'm glad I don't have to bother with implants or anything like it any more, no more periods either..ah there are some positives about getting old ;) I hope you are all pain free and well next week xx

    1. It was ridiculous that it burned me...I just had it on far too long I guess. Eek!
      Ahh! I can't wait to get older and have no periods. lol
      Thank you x

  6. Oh my I feel for you. As you may have read I poured formula feed over my stomach accidentally last year and I also suffer really badly from period pain! #WotW

    1. Oh yes! I remember reading about your burn...Eek! I hope you are OK now. x

  7. Oh my goodness! I hope next week is a lot better for you.

  8. Sorry to hear you have had a horrible week. I hope you're feeling better xx


  9. Oh no :( sorry to hear about your painful week Kim, hoping you have a much better week this week :)

    1. It has been slightly better....I am full of cold but I can deal with that. Just about. lol x

  10. It sounds like it's been no fun in your house lately, ouch ! Hope this week is a pain free one x #WotW

    1. I was glad when the week was over.
      I'm full of cold but everyone else is fine. Thank you x

  11. Oh dear not a good word for the week - that burn sounds especially painful! Hope this week will be pain-free! #WotW
