Thursday, 12 January 2017

The last thing I…

I saw this over on Lisa's Life absolutely ages ago, it has been sat in my drafts for ages and I have finally got around to it.

1. Who Did You Last Talk To?
Stu last night as we were getting into bed....Discussing the fact that the kids toys are taking over the landing. They shouldn't be.....

2. What was the last outfit you wore?
A big thick jumper and jeans....Pretty standard for me at this time of year....

3. What was the last thing you ate?
A Terry's chocolate orange bar last night....

4. What was the last thing you drank?
A hot chocolate....Chocolate orange flavoured to go with my chocolate bar. hehehe

5. Last sport you played?
I have no idea. Tennis on the Wii. lol I am not a sporty person.

6. Who did you email last?
A PR person about a product to review....

7. Which one of your friends did you talk to last?
One of my friends on the school run....

8. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
The news....

9. Last blog you checked?
The Inspiration Edit. If you haven't read Angela's blog do go and have a look....I love it. She has great advice, really thought provoking posts and she is just a lovely person.

10. Last game you played?
The Sims 4....I got the latest expansion pack for Christmas (City Living) and it has drawn me back into playing....

1 comment :

  1. Oh I used love playing Sims so much, haven't done so for years though, takes up too much of my time.
