Tuesday 17 January 2017

Our Playmobil Hospital.

My youngest is crazy about anything medical.....She loves visiting the hospital, doctors or dentists. She loves watching all the medical shows her favourite is 24 hours in A&E. For Christmas she got the Playmobil Ambulance and that seems to have set off her love for Playmobil....

Over Christmas Ellie got some money and decided she wanted to buy the Playmobil Hospital. At nearly £67 we made sure she was sure and she was....Last weekend it arrived.

Playmobil City Life Furnished Children's Hospital has a working elevator which has space for the patient's bed, an adjustable operating table, a patient bed which rolls on wheels, a reception, a children's and baby section as well as an operating room. It has a lot of medical equipment including moveable surgical light, respirator and defibrillator.

It includes:5 Playmobil figures, 1 baby incubator, 1 toilet, 1 child's hospital bed, 1 reception desk, 1 childs growth chart, 1 scales, 1 operating room and lots of accessories. 

Ellie couldn't wait to get it opened and start building it.....It came needed assembling which I guessed it would. When she opened the box she kept pulling out bags and bags of things....Eek!

Stu and Ellie started putting it together....He got the base and one of the sides on before he had to go to work then I took over...

Oh my goodness. What a job. All in all it took about 3 hours to put together. I really feel for those parents who bought a few of these sets for Christmas and set about putting them together on Christmas Eve night.....

There was the main wall and floor parts then about 15 bags.....I followed the instructions step by step and it was take one part out of one bag, one out of another then spend 5 minutes looking for something else in another bag.....There was no logic to how they were packaged....It would have made sense to have each things parts in one bag. For example all the parts of the hospital bed in one bag instead of spread over at least 3....

I sent the kids upstairs when I was half way through so I could curse and swear at the half build hospital....Oops.

When it was built all the stress was worth it...When Ellie saw it she was amazed and instantly fell in love with it....

She has played for hours and hours with it....I am not exaggerating....She played with nothing but the Playmobil hospital and her tablet for the whole of last week.....

With a lift on the outside of the building you can transport patients and the bed between floors....It works really well.

I think it is fantastic too. There are so many little extras that are not listed on the box. Surgical instruments, drip lines, casts, baby bottles, a laptop, plates, cups and blankets....

Even Becky my teenager has been playing with it with Ellie.....It is fantastic fun. Ellie plays and there is an accident then the little people get rushed to hospital in her ambulance and are treated.....There has been car crash emergencies, heart surgery, broken bones and dog bites all treated in the hospital....

I really can't imagine Ellie getting sick of it anytime soon.....It was well worth the money we paid for it. 

We have already been looking for more Playmobil to buy and have found a few little sets which would go great with the hospital.....

X-Ray Room - £8.99
Dentist with Patient - £8.49
Maternity Room - £8.99
Doctor with Child - £8.99
Emergency Motorcycle - £9.99
Flying Ambulance Playset - £26.99

Do your children like Playmobil?


  1. I love this - what an amazing Playmobil set. Adding this to my wish list - would be perfect for Jessica to help prepare her when she eventually needs to go into hospital for her next surgery.

  2. We are huge fans of Playmobil in our house. This set looks awesome!


  3. The hospital looks amazing! I love that there is so much detail. My youngest son loves playmobil, he would have a lot of fun with this.

    1. The detail is amazing! My girl is loving it still and has so far managed to keep it all together x

  4. Aww this looks fun, lots of detail here. My kids have always love the Playmobil range :)

  5. this is fantastic. I don't have kids but i'd like this for me and those add / similar on kits are great and some are good prices and depending on the rate of pocket money these days wouldn't take long to save for them x

    1. It really is! She is already well on her way to saving for one of the smaller sets.

  6. Wow this looks fab. I do like the Playmobil toys, always lots going on with them.

  7. Love playmobil, this was like a set I had as a child, obviously not as cool. But I'd like to get this one for little miss x

    1. I had some as a child but it was no where near as cool as this. hehehe
