Friday, 27 January 2017

Not the best but better. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It could have easily been Ugh, cold or sick but I thought I would go with the positive from the week! 

Both my girls have done well at school this week and I couldn't be prouder of them.....They are both doing better than I thought they were....

Ellie came home from school with spellings to learn at the weekend and they were ridiculous. Ball, fall, call, small, etc. They were far too easy for her....We wrote a note in her planner and on Monday she came home with new spellings.....She got moved up a group in them. I am trying not to think about how long she would have been stuck on the easy one's if we hadn't have said anything.....The one's she has to learn now are much better and she has been doing really well at learning them....I may have been bribing her though. For every one she gets right she's got a M&M sweet. hehehe

Early in the week we got a letter from Becky's school to say what levels she is at. The work it out by saying she should be at a level 3+ at the end of year 9....I was quite surprised to see she is already reaching these targets in a few subjects. French, Science, Spanish, Maths, ICT and Music! Music really surprised her and me....She is not musical at all but the theory and writing part is bumping her grades up....She is expected to be on target for all of her subjects apart from PE at the end of year 9 which doesn't bother me at all....She hates PE and it's not like she will be taking it for GCSE's....

Over the next few months Becky will be choosing the subjects she will take GCSE's in and in her head she was going to choose the subjects she was doing well in so this report has really confused her and me and put a stop to that idea. Now she doesn't know what to choose....I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it....

We're still all full of cold....I got rid of mine that I had a couple of weeks ago quickly but it has came back....Yesterday I had such a sore throat but a couple of Lemsip drinks helped me feel better.....Ellie has been chockablock full of cold too and has almost lost her voice. I wouldn't normally keep her off school just for a cold but this is a full blown one. The rest will do her good....Stu has came down with it too....He can't hear out of one of his ears. It feels blocked. Ugh! Becky is the only one without a full blown cold.....She had a sicky bug though and was sent home from school on Wednesday. By tea time she was OK but due to the 24 hour rule she had to stay off yesterday which she thought was brilliant....She is back to school today! Hooray!

All in all it hasn't been a bad week.....I am hoping with a weekend of rest we all feel better and finally shake this cold!!


  1. Well done Becky and Ellie, it's always good to hear that their education is going well. I really hope you all manage to get rid of the bugs next week xx

  2. It's fantastic that the girls are doing so well at school, choosing GCSE's is so tough. I remember wanting to History but I chose Geography because I had fallen out with someone who was choosing it what a wally I was. I hope you all feel better soon x #WotW

    1. Thank you!
      Ahh! My fella and I have told her that her friendships isn't going to influence what subjects she does. Eek!

  3. Glad to hear you're all on the up now, you have been struck with the germs this week! Well done to the girls at school, glad it's going well x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  4. Oh dear Hope the cold clears up and well done on what your daughter have achieved X #wotw

    1. Thank you! We're all feeling better already.

  5. My advice to Becky is to choose subjects that she will need in life. If I could back in time I would have chosen differently as I have never used most of mine RE for example. It's such a young age to think about jobs but if she has an idea of what she would like to do then research it and see what you need x

    1. Yes! That's what I have said to her.
      She actually mentioned doing RE as she really enjoys it but I said it would be pretty useless as an adult. Eek! Thank you!

  6. Glad you are all doing better. I don't usually keep mine off for colds either, but I had to keep this month. We went through the GCSE option choice last year. It was tough, but we got here in the end. Good luck Becky.#wotw

    1. Thank you! It got to the point where she was just exhausted with snotting and coughing all night. A day off did her the world of good x

  7. Hope you are all feeling better this week. Glad to hear that Ellie has been moved up a group with her spellings and well done to Becky too for doing so well in all her subjects. Hopefully she will have a better idea of what she wants to do at GCSE in a few months time when she has to choose. #WotW

    1. Thank you!
      She has an idea after we had a chat the other night....
