Saturday, 21 January 2017

A photo everyday for a year! #Project365 - Week 3

Why is January lasting so long?....This month is really dragging.

It's not been a bad week for us....Stu my fella has been on holiday from work and has been decorating. The girls have had a great week at school and I was full of cold for a day or so but I seemed to have got over it quickly. Phew.

Now on to a photo every day.....

14/365 - 14th January
A delivery of bath bombs arrived...I have a review next week! The Pokemon ball one was a big hit....

15/365 - 15th January
My 9 year olds homework....I am hopeless when it comes to maths....Becky my teen was happy to help. Phew!

16/365 - 16th January
I drank a lot of Lemsip on Monday....Probably too much but it worked and by Tuesday afternoon I felt much better!

17/365 - 17th January
Just a photo of mu girls...Looking at something on You Tube...

18/365 - 18th January
Sitting there like they had all the time in the world....It was about quarter past eight. Ellie leaves for school at 25 past. lol Amazingly she wasn't late...

19/365 - 19th January
Before Stu started painting the wall under the banister was a really dark brown colour....It took a few coats of white to cover it....Now it is a biscuit colour....

20/365 - 20th January
I went shopping for clothes...


  1. apart from the cold and the maths homework, sounds like a lovely week, glad you're feeling better

  2. I am dreading when Monkey gets harder maths homework - it was the one thing I just didn't 'get' at school. From one painter to another, hope he's finished now #365

    1. Since I was at school they have changed how you do the working out so it's even harder. lol
      He is. Thank you x

  3. I'm absolutely hopeless at maths homework, they seem to invent a completely new way of working stuff out every year :/ I adore the Pokemon ball bath bomb, I'll look out for the review, I know a teenager who would love one :)

    1. Yes they do...Things have changed so much since I was at school. Ugh!
      Thank you x

  4. Loved maths homework, nice that the older sister will help the younger one.
    Another one painting banisters, must be something in the air.
    Glad the lemsips helped.

    1. I would be lost without my teen when it comes to maths homework. lol She is a great help.
      Thank you x

  5. Glad you got over your cold so quickly! My husband has been decorating a lot recently too. It's so hard to cover up dark colours! It took six coats to cover the dark blue in my younger son's bedroom!

  6. Bet your stairs are much lighter now. It's nice to see some progress in the house isn't it?

    1. They are...It looks so much better.
      Thank you x

  7. We've all been full of coughs and colds too, it's so tiring. Hope you're better now. I so want to paint my whole house a brighter colour. It feels so dark right now!

    1. This time of year is rubbish for being poorly!
      Thank you x

  8. I dread the homework and regularly have to google a few things as the methods have changed so much. Always love a good clothes shop - I thing I'm long overdue one!

    1. Ahh! Google is a wonderful thing. hehehe
      Thank you x

  9. I love the delivery of bath bombs! It is like enforced relaxing. Fantastic. #project 365

  10. My kids would love the pokemon bath bomb too! It always amazes me the way they all sit around in the morning as if they have all the time in the world!
