Saturday, 6 May 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 18 #Project365

It's been a strange week....One of those where I haven't really been in a photo taking type of mood but I did still manage one for every day. Phew! 

119/365 - 29th April
Haribo Smurfs were out treats for Saturday night.

120/365 - 30th April
My fella has used scrap wood to make my youngest a new wardrobe. He's doing a great job so far and was on with painting it on Sunday.

121/365 - 1st May
Washing on the line makes me happy.

122/365 - 2nd May
The best plasters ever. hehehe

123/365 - 3rd May
My youngest did The Race for Life at school and the people who sponsored her were so generous.

124/365 - 4th May
It's got to the time of year where we need an ice cream after getting home from school. 

125/365 - 5th May
I gave in and bought my girls a Fidget Spinner each....I think they are pointless but they are quiet and the girls are happy with them. 


  1. Fidget spinners! That is what they are!!! I have seen these everywhere and was wondering what on earth they were! Thank you! #365

    1. hehehe! The fidget spinners are everywhere. I think every kid in my girls school has one. x

  2. I'm so impressed with your other half for building a wardrobe from scrap. It looks fantastic too!
    I had never heard of or seen fidget spinners until about five days ago, but now they're everywhere I look! Needless to say, my daughter wants one too.

    1. He did so well...I wished I had taken photos as he went along.
      Thank you x

  3. I hadn't heard of fidget spinners at all two weeks ago, now they seem absolutely everywhere and have already been banned at school. I gave in and got The Boy one on Friday. Loving the pink wardrobe, so nice to have a handy husband *stares hard at own husband* Have a good week :)

    1. They have been banned at my teens school but not my youngest girls school yet. I think they will be soon. lol
      Thank you x

  4. Fidget spinners haven't arrived at our school yet, but I'm sure they'll be there at some point.

    I'm like you, not really feeling inspired with taking daily photos at the moment. Need some more inspiration.

    1. Ahh! I am sure they will arrive soon.
      It's rubbish that we have no photo taking mojo. I hope it returns soon.
      Thank you x

  5. Great to have a handy husband, much cheaper than buying, and more to the point you get to choose the layout and design.
    Well done on the money raised with the race, and are these the squashed plasters I heard so much about?

    1. My fella is fab at DIY. He has saved us a bit of money by making the wardrobe.
      hahaha! Yes this is the plasters you have heard about...
      Thank you x

  6. Hats off to your fella for making the wardrobe. I'm all for using scrap to make something useful. I best not show my children the smurf Haribos. #MMBC

    1. Thank you. He has done a great job. My girl loves her new wardrobe. x

  7. Those Haribo look cute, never seen them before. Ha! I never ever buy character plasters, the box would be used in about 5 minutes flat here #365

    1. The Smurfs were new to me too...They didn't last long.
      I have hidden the plasters until they are needed or they would be used quickly too. lol x

  8. Yep the ice creams have started here and I caved in with the fidget spinners too!
