Tuesday, 2 May 2017

What I loved in April....

April seemed to go over in a flash....This post is a little late but better late than never I say. hehehe It has been a good month....

The Easter holidays.

We had a fantastic two weeks making play dough, baking cakes, trips to the park and of course an Easter egg hunt. We had plenty of time to relax too watching TV, films, playing on Minecraft and with toys....They were over with too quickly.

Doctor Who.
I love Doctor Who and I was so pleased to see it back on the TV....I was slightly worried about his new companion. I wasn't a fan of his last one Clara at all and she sort of ruined the show for me. I just couldn't warm to her....Bill on the other hand, I love her. She seems so refreshing! She made me laugh and smile. I think I am going to enjoy this series.

Summer food.
I have noticed that the supermarkets have started to get their summer range back in. The Chicken & Chorizo Skewers from Iceland and the Sweet Chilli King Prawn Kebabs from Tesco look amazing. I already have the Pineapple And Coconut Mini Chicken Fillets on my meal plan for later this week. hehehe

Growing things.

We seemed to have grown a couple of things last month and I am glad to say they are still growing. The sunflowers started to come through last week. Finally! I had just about given up on them and the Sea monkeys are still going strong....Usually I suck at growing things but this time everything has worked out.....

Watching not taking part....I used to love the WWE but I stopped watching it a couple of years ago....Early in April there was Wrestlemania their big show and I gave it a watch and I am now back into watching it.....Saturday night is now my wrestling night. I catch with with the Raw & Smackdown shows. I still can't accept that The Undertaker has retired but the The Hardy Boyz coming back has eased my pain. hehehe

What did you love in April?


  1. Your girls always look like they are so happy and enjoying life. A lovely looking April. #Best&Worst

  2. We've just been sent a sunflower seed home from Matthew's school. I don't hold out much hope! :( Have you recovered from all the Easter chocs yet?! #bestandworst

    1. Good luck with the sunflower....
      Oh yes. All the chocolate is gone now. Phew!
